Chapter 10 "NYC, part 2"

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Lauren's POV

"Come On Clare!" I yell as I open the front door "I'm going!" She yells back "Hurry up, you know how the traffic is in this place!" I yell again, she walks quickly out of her bedroom and she goes outside and I follow her after I close the door, we enter the elevator and I press the LB button, it glows and the elevator moves. The ride down is silent, I can only hear me and Clare breath. Clare is kinda depressed about Dad passing, yesterday I was searching for something to do, I decided to take her to a musical, Love Labour's Lost at Shakespeare in the Park, also I decided to ask her if she wants to move with me to Chicago. "So what do you want to eat?" I ask breaking the silence inside the elevator, "I don't what ever you want" she replies in a dry tone and shrugs. "Come on Clare, you must want something" I say optimistically, she shrugs again and I sigh. The doors open and she steps off to the parking lot, she walks quickly and I try to catch up. She gets in the car and I get in the passengers seat, she turns on the engine and we drive off.

"Fine, it's been 15 minutes, what do you want to eat?" I say again, turning the music down "Ok, pizza, I know a place" she replies, I smile but she smile back, I can see the sadness but she tried to smile.

We arrive at the place that Clare was taking about, she goes to sit at a booth and I go straight to the counter to order. "One large pizza, half pepperoni, half cheese and a 2 liter coke please" I say at the cashier "Anything else?" He asks "Also an order of cheese fries" I reply "$31.40" he says, I pull from my purse a fifty dollar bill, I hand it over and he gives me my change and also a card with the number 4 so that they know where the order goes. I walk away from the counter and go sit in front of Clare "Hey, um I wanted to ask, do you want to go with me back to Chicago?" I say softly, she smiles and replies "Of course, I would love to" I smile and grab her hand. She smiles back and then the waiter interrupts "One large pizza, half pepper, half cheese, an order of cheese fries and a 2 liter coke" he says and I nod, he places the pizza, the fries and the coke on the table and he goes and gets some plates and cups.

I open the box and I see the golden brown crust and the melted cheese, the roasted pepperoni on one side and on the other side, the cheese side. Me and Clare grab a slice and we start eating, I put the fries in the middle and we both start grabbing from them, Clare puts the bacon of the fries on the side and I eat it, I pop open the soda and pour in our cups soda.

We finished everything and I'm so full of food, I can barely move " I'm so stuffed" I say, she nods and I put my head on the wall, "And we still need to go see a musical" I say and she smiles "DID YOU SAY MUSICAL?!" She yells and everybody stares at us, she mouths a "sorry" and I nod "Yeah, we're going to go see Love Labour's Lost" I say.

She gets up and throws the garbage in the bin.

"Come on, get up" she says excited and pulls my hand so that I get up, I barely get up and we both exit the restaurant, we get in the car and Clare starts driving "We're are we going to see it?" She asks "Shakespeare in the Park" I reply, she nods and starts heading there.

We arrive and the show is almost over, I get up to Clare and I whisper "The one playing Berowne looks kinda like Connor" she pops her eyes "Then that's his name, Connor" she whispers back "Well I think that the one playing Berowne is called Colin" Clare says again. The show ends and Clare gets up from her seat and starts applauding, I laugh and then we leave. We reach the apartment and Clare starts packing things up because we leave tomorrow.

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