Chapter 13 "Date"

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Clare's POV

I wait for Lauren to get home as usual, I haven't been out of the house in a week. But today I decided to wait for Lauren at Med, I walk out the door and walk slowly to the hospital, she hasn't joking when she said it was not far away. I reach the entrance and I sit down in one of the waiting room chairs. I stare at the door and see a tall black hair doctor, he sits next to me and smiles. "Hi, I'm Noah" he says and keeps smiling "I'm Clare" I say and smile back "What are you doing? You hurt?" He asks in a worrisome manner, "Nope, just waiting for my sister" I say awkwardly "She works in the ED?" He continues, I nod and say "What are you doing here?" I ask him "Oh... just wanted to talk with you" he blushes, I blush to and keep a constant smile. "Wanna go to get a drink?" He asks and I look at the door. "Sure, I haven't been out a lot lately" I shrug, he stands up and I quickly follow, while we walk I send Lauren a message. "Where are we going?" I ask Noah, he turns around and says "Molly's, only the best place to get a drink" he says and smiles, I lift an eyebrow and smile. "Ok then" I say and write the message.

I'm gonna be at Molly's, I'll be home soon.

I send the message and I quickly get a response.

I'm going there to, see you soon.

We arrive and Noah opens the door.

"Ladies first" he says "What a gentlemen" I say as I enter and I catch his blushed face.

We sit down on one of the booths and we order. "I'll have a beer" Noah says and then looks at me "I'll have a Manhattan" I say and smile. He nods and then leaves, we both wait for our drinks and then I see Lauren arrive with two other friends. "Lauren, we're over here" I say and she gets closer and sits in the booth and so does her other friends. "Nat, Will this is Clare my sister" she introduces me to them. I smile and wave my hand. "Noah, surprise to see you here" Natalie says, he awkwardly smiles. Me and Noah's drinks arrive, he starts drinking and I take a sip at mine Manhattan. Lauren, Will and Natalie order and they wait for our drinks. Lauren tries to smile when I look at her and I look at the door as it opens and I see Connor and a blond woman enter, Lauren stares at them but then she senses my stare and takes her eye off them.

She told me what happen, but it sucks honestly, he should have tried to fix it, not just leave her and be with her. I think

The drinks arrive and we all start drinking together, a few hours pass and Lauren is a bit drunk. We all leave and me and Lauren walk home together, our arms both link. "How was your day?" I ask her she shrugs "Fine" "Come on tell me" I beg "Fine" she replies stubborn. "Ok, let's get home" I say and we continue walking.

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