Chapter 3

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I laid him down on the couch, I grabbed a healing potion, and grabbed some thread and a sterile needle.

" Hi! My name is Sang! What's yours?" I try and distract him from what I'm doing, and just when he tries to reply, I pulled out the knife, from him. He just grunts in pain.

"Sorry about that Honey, can you drink this for me?" I open the cork on the bottle, the healing potion should help heal it somewhat, not a lot but anything is better than nothing. Healing potions aren't very useful, it only heals very little, and uses up a lot of your energy. It uses up the body's ability to heal naturally and speeds it up, causing it to use up the person's energy. That's why we don't make much of them.

I see the flesh begin to close up, the wound was less deep, but still fatal. I grab sleeping sunflower powder and blow it in his face so that he breathes it in. He begins to cough, and makes a face of disgust, but his eyes become glazed over and slightly dazed. I smile encouragingly, and set to work on stitching him up. As I'm stitching him up I ask, " Well darlin? What's your name? And what were you doing all the way out here? It's dangerous in the woods, especially if you don't know you're way through them. Hunters come through here often, they could have thought you were an animal, and killed you." They would have thought you were the witch.

"Axel...I'm Axel...was running from some people...that don't like me...they wanted to kill me," He says as he starts drifting off. " I stole something from them.....they didn't like that...." He's so tired he is spilling everything to me, I mused. He seemed cautious and quiet, perhaps he thought it was dream? Similar to me, or maybe he was just rambling because he was so tired?

Whatever the case, I was happy I wouldn't have to charm him, in order for him to tell me. I didn't like taking people's free wills, and I try to respect privacy, but this seemed a bit too important to go unquestioned.

He seems too young to be a thief. He's rather malnourished for someone of his size. I would estimate about 140 pounds? He's about 6' 0" so I think he should weigh some more. He's rather pale too. His clothes have seen better days too.

I grab some blood clotting tablets that Lin made, some healing cream, as I threw away the needle.

I grabbed my wand, and prayed to god it worked, casting a spell on him, and carefully making him float up the stairs and into my room. Laying him down on the mattress.

I poured a glass of water for him and left the blood clotters, as well as some vitamins to help produce blood, on the night stand.

I then changed him into something more comfortable, just a shirt and pajama pants. And no, I'm not a pervert, I used magic. I saw nothing, and it feels wrong to look when I don't know him or if he isn't at least conscious.

I lifted his shirt up slightly, and rubbed the cream on his wound, noticing the light scars on him, and the birthmark on his hip. I could also see the beginnings of abs. He doesn't have enough fat or carbs for him to get real muscle.

Realizing that I was checking out a complete stranger, and one that was dying moments ago no less. I mentally berated myself. Leaving a note on the bedside as well, I went to the kitchen, checking up on the food. Kiki, Lin's familiar and companion, was laying on the table, his paws stretched out, watching the roast beef hungrily. I picked him up as well as my book on medical magic, waiting for either Lin to come back, or for the mysterious stranger to wake up.
Hiya~ my stories will be randomly updated, so I'm sorry if everything is inconsistent. I'll try to make a schedule but I make not promises.
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