Chapter 6

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Sang's POV

"Do you have to leave?" I ask for the millionth time it feels like. "Sang, I told you, I need to leave." Axel says firmly, annoyance seeping into his tone.

I just pout in return. ".....Fine! You need to keep the ring though! And you have to visit at least once a month ok?" I silently beg for him to agree, after all, he's the only one that's close to my age that I've met in a long time. Besides my sister of course, and I haven't seen her in nearly seven month.

What he does next surprises me. He turns to me and gives me a hug. It was warm, and I snuggled closer. The scent of the blueberry pie that we ate filled my nose. Putting his forehead to mine he says softly,"Don't worry Sang. I'll come and see you soon ok? So just hold on for a little bit. Maybe you can teach me some more spells when I come back?"

I knew he was just trying to ease my sadness, and in a way it worked. I gave him a sarcastic smile," Seriously? That's all? You just want to learn more spells? It's not just to visit me or Lin?"

A light blush tinges his cheeks, barely noticeable on his tanned skin. "Well. Learning spells is just a bonus that's all."

"Sure, whatever you say~" I tell him teasingly.

A clap sounds behind us and we both look up. "Ok ok, lovebirds. You can break it up now." Blushing, I quickly step away from Axel and his warm embrace.

Rozalin just smiles softly at us. And for the first time, she looked her age. She just looked like another mother, watching her child go off on his own. I smile back at her, and move to pick up Kiki who was standing next to her.

"Let's take a picture!" We all stand and smile. "I'm going to need to get these developed when I go to town again." She murmurs under breath.

"Ok then, Sang. Hold down the fort for us ok? And wait until I get back before you start brewing." I just nod absentmindedly as she lectures me on my horrible potion making skills.

We tearfully said our goodbyes and 'come back soons', as I watched their backs fade off into the distance. But I kept the warm feeling inside me despite my sadness. Because for some reason, I felt like this wasn't going to be our final farewell. I felt at ease, knowing that one day, he would come back. So that we could spend our days like we always did, with Lin smoking her pipe taunting us, while we tried to figure out different spells.

Smiling softly, I turn around and go back into the house, Kiki in tow.

"The flowers need to be changed again huh?"
*Six months later*

"Come on! Quicker! Remember to focus the energy on your shoulder going to your fingertips! It's not that hard!" Rozalin yelled from her seat as she smokes a pipe.

I coughed from the smoke,"Easy for you to say, you're a fire witch!"

"Yes yes, but even though you're not under that affinity,it's best for you to be well rounded right? Plus, it'll make you look like a badass when you get mad or unleash your powers."

I blow away the hair from my face and stand up." Yeah yeah, you're right. But are we done now? We need to go to market now, and I'd prefer not to smell like I just came out of a bonfire."

She just rolls her eyes, and goes back inside. I smile and follow after her.

"Ok, so we bought yeast, baking soda, baking powder, chocolate, milk, and coffee. Is that all?" I ask looking up from my list to talk to Lin.

"Lin? Rozalin? Hello? Oh my god. Seriously? She just goes off on her own. Maybe I should get one of those child leashes so I can keep track of her. And she says she's worried about me when I go somewhere." I grumble under my breath as look around for her with my one exposed eye. Let me tell you, it's not very efficient. But I can't exactly say that a green and purple eye color is normal. Especially how vibrant a purple too. The eyepatch gets annoying, but it can be fun to sew designs and patterns on them.

We've been going to the market more lately. Lin saying that 'You need to learn how to socialize with others your age.' But secretly, she's just trying to teach me how to haggle and rip people off. I also know that she's worried about leaving me alone, even though I'm now 13 and an intermediate witch, there are rumors that hunters found a way to break through barriers. I probably couldn't beat them at my mediocre state right now. So it's best to stick by Lin's side.

Or so she says.

I suddenly spot Lin with her odd outfit in the crowd, sniffing cakes and other baked goods. There was a man behind her looking at her butt and boobs, obviously checking her out.

I huff and grab her arm, while glaring at the man.

"Hey! I wanted some of those," Lin complains as I drag her away. "I'll make you some when we get home, we just need some vanilla extract and some bread."

Suddenly someone bumps into me, and I see that it's a boy about a year younger than me, maybe less. His hair is unkempt and his clothes look like they've seen better days. I also notice the dark bruise on his slightly tan skin, that he immediately tries to cover up. I frown at that.

"Sorry!" His soft caramel eyes widen when we both fell onto the floor. He quickly scrambled up and holds out a hand towards me. I take it and he pulls me up.

"It's ok, I'm sorry. I should have watched my surroundings better." I try to soothe him, but it just makes him even more nervous for some reason.

"Well, may I ask your name?" I try and probe him for more information.

"Um. It's-It's Wil." He stutters and blushes lightly. His discomfort and guilt becoming apparent.

"Wil? I see, well. My name is Sang, and this is Rozalin. It's a pleasure to meet you." I point to Lin who just waves at the boy and smiles.

He seems to finally get a good look at us, and begins to grow even redder the more he looks at us. But he also seemed to realize Lin's blindness, and my eyepatch.

I expected him to look revolted, or maybe creeped out a bit. But all he does is look at us with a small sympathetic smile.

"We-Well it's, or uh was, a pleasure to meet you as well...? Goo-Goodbye!" He just dashed off back into the crowd. Running and stumbling into people.

"He just stole my wallet didn't he? What a terrible thief." I muse to Lin who just smirks in return.
Woohoo! We meet Wil!
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