The Stalker

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He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake.

The Stalker

Mr Crawford is a cheerful, chubby 45-year-old man. He lives with his wife in a small cottage. He has no children but he has some pets. He owns a very huge toy company, making him one of the richest man in the world.

However, no one knows his secret identity except for his wife. 

He is a stalker. 

His hobby is stalking little kids for fun. He loves seeing their adorable, innocent faces. Children make him smile and the feeling thrills him. He enjoys it. By now, he have memorised all the households with children. 


December has come at last. Mr Crawford is busy with his company as Christmas is approaching soon. Parents have been flooding his stores, snatching the latest toys for their children.

He is at one of his stores with his wife. He loves his wife a lot. They have spend their entire lives together as they are childhood friends. He is lucky that he has her and she is thankful to have him too. 

Mr Crawford is recalling one of the happy times with his wife when she remembers that she left something important back home. She promises to be back in an hour. She wears her coat and exited the store.


An hour later, Mrs Crawford has not returned yet. Mr Crawford is getting worried. He takes out his trusty smartphone and called his wife.

Hello, this is Louisa Crawford. I'm currently busy so it will be great if you leave a message. Goodbye.

Mr Crawford is panicking right now. Mrs Crawford ALWAYS pick up her phone. 

What could happen to her?

He decided to wait for her a little longer. 

A minute has passed.

A minute turns into an hour.

An hour turns into 4 hours.

4 hours and still no sign of her.

Mr Crawford bolts out of the door, hops into his car and drives back home.


"Louisa? Louisa?!" He has searched high and low for his wife. She is missing. He sighs and sits down on his couch.

Dear God, please let Louisa be safe...

He unlocks his phone and enters the police hotline. Just when he is about to press the 'call' button, his phone rings.

He look at the caller ID. Unknown.

He pick up his phone and presses it against his ear. "Hello? Is this Mr Crawford?"

"Yes, speaking," His voice quavers. 

"Good evening, sir. I'm calling from the Homicide Unit. I'm sorry to say that your wife had an accident. She did not survive," The person on the other side of the line informs him.

Mr Crawford is speechless. He felt that his world has turned upside down in a second.

How can that be? I saw her 4 hours ago, looking fine. What on earth happened?

"What happened?" He asked nervously, thinking of possible reasons for his wife's death.

"Through the CCTV sir, your wife was walking in the alley while some kids were playing knives. Apparently, they were 'sword fighting'. Your wife did not notice them as she was finding something in her bag. What happened next was a boy with the sword accidentally stabbed her at the side of the stomach. Her death was believed to be loss of blood, sir. The kids ran off in fright and left her bleeding to death. We are trying our best to find them as soon as possible."

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