The Other Side Of Me

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The Other Side Of Me

I don't know who I really am.

I mean, I know my name and all, but I don't know my true self. How should I explain this?

Uhhh... I have a secret.

I have never told a single soul about this because I'm afraid. What if they tell on me? So I stayed away from them.

Sigh, I should go straight to the point. I don't know what 'superpowers' or 'illness' I have but every 2 months, I will have a sudden blackout and I will wake up. Waking up to an unknown place, a hotel, an alley, etc. That's not all. What terrifies me are the things that lie before me.

A stained knife. A pool of blood. And a mutilated body.

I have no recollection of doing it. Nothing that will triggers the memories in my brain. It is like my brain has a safe and all my 'bad doings' have been locked inside it. There is no key, no password, nothing. Just nothing.

I'm sure that I'm the murderer. I have blood all over me, every single time. And it wasn't my blood, that's for sure. Plus, I'm alone with the corspe. No one witnessed it or anything. If not, I'll be in jail by now.

Speaking of jail, I am not in there because I'm sort of on the run. I only have one family member left - my elder sister. But she's always too drunk to be bothered with me. You see, my parents was involved in a car accident a 5 years ago and they never came back. Since then, my sister releases her sadness by drinking. And I, was 20 back then and she was 25.

My 'illness' didn't come until about 2 years ago.  But I remembered clearly, as though it all happened yesterday.

I was in my apartment, sitting on my couch, eating a bowl of Cheerios and watching TV. After a few minutes, I started to feel a little uncomfortable. I thought I'm gonna be sick so I put down my cereal on the table, off the TV and stood up. Wrong decision. Once I stood up, I feel like the world is literally spinning. I wobbled and held on to my couch for support. I tried my best to walk to my bedroom and I could already see black patches in my vision. I couldn't hear either, and I felt nauseating. It was horrible. Just as I took one step into my bedroom, my body gave up on me and I collapsed onto the floor.

Darkness engulfed me completely. 


I opened my eyes slowly. I was in a deserted alley, lying on the ground. I looked up to the sky. It was night time already. How long was I out? A day? A month? It seemed like a month to me. My whole body ached and I had some gooey substance all over me. I raised my left hand and shrieked.

Blood. Lots of blood. I wish it was red blood but nope, the smell was definitely overwhelming.

I got up and saw what was in front of me.

I stifled my scream. Don't want anyone to find out I killed a man, right? He was in an awkward position; his hands were chopped off, his head was disfigured, his guts were coming out of his stomach.  Immediately, I went to the garbage bin beside me and throw up my breakfast.

And then carefully, I picked up the knife that was beside him and ran out of the alley. Wait. I need to clean myself first. My surroundings were silent. Good. That meant it was after midnight. There should not be anyone around at this time. I looked left and right. No one. Great. I walked out of the alley and was glad that I recognised the place. I was near my apartment. I heaved a sigh of relief. Thank god, I'm not in the other side of town. I walked to the building my apartment was at. Shucks. The security guard was on duty. He couldn't see me like this.

I decided to use the stealth approach. When the security guard wasn't looking, I'll knock him out. That's right.

However, I'm not very good at calming down. I'm freaking out and I'm breathing heavily. My hands were shaking and I'm still holding my weapon.

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