The Mastermind

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The Mastermind

My phone vibrated on my desk. I looked at my phone. There was no caller ID, and I was intrigued. I picked up my phone and a lady, probably in her twenties, was sobbing on the phone. My intuition warned me to be alerted at once.

"Hello, Detective Galloway, I am taking this lady as a hostage so don't try anything funny. One press of a button and you'll see her body in ten million pieces," I could tell she was having a hard time to even say these words. I cringed as I thought of the one responsible for this.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I half-shouted, anger boiling inside of me.

Bad mistake, I realised. The lady cried even harder, frightened from my shouting.

There was no words spoken, just the sobbing of the lady.

"Calm down, miss. Speak to me," I tried to console her but I was not a professional in this expertise.

"24 hours. You have 24 hours to bring me Adam Connors. If I don't see him at the warehouse at 24 Verdant Street, she will be dead!"

The line got cut off. The first thing in my mind was the murderer I caught three weeks ago.


Three weeks ago

"Adam Connors, you are under arrest for murdering Edward Torres. You are to remain silent, as anything you say will be used against you,"  I gave him to two police officers and watched him got into a police car and being whisked off to jail.

"Well done, man. Connors is finally caught. Let's celebrate tonight, shall we? If you don't go, I shall hypnotise you, just kidding. But seriously, I know some skills," My partner, Scott Michaels, patted me on my back.

"Yeah, sure," I smiled back.

Scott nodded and walked away. For some reason, I didn't feel relieved. Something told me that that was not over. Something eerie was going to happen and I had that intuition that it would.

I didn't know how accurate it would be.


The present

Now, who would want Adam Connors? He had no girlfriend at the point of his arrest. No family or relatives either as he was an orphan at an orphanage. Maybe he had a friend at the orphanage?

I turned on my computer and waited for it to boot up.

Logging into the police system, I typed "Adam Connors" in the search bar. Sure enough, his name showed up. I clicked his profile and read.

Name: Adam Connors
Age: 24
Arrested for: Murder

Nothing interesting so far, so I read on.

Connors murdered Torres, who was at his girlfriend's house at the time of murder. Torres' girlfriend, Rachel Lance, was not at home. Torres wanted to surprise her on her birthday when she comes home. However, Connors, being her ex boyfriend, was jealous of Torres. He came to bash Torres up, unknowingly killing him in the process.

I leaned back in my spinning chair. I had a thought.

How did Connors know that Torres will surprise Lance for her birthday?

And that was what I was going to find out.


22 hours left

I looked at my phone and checked the time.

Shucks, I was running out of time. I needed to bust Connors out, but I was more interested in finding out the one keeping the lady hostage.

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