The Birthday Boy

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The Birthday Boy

"Hey, Kyle? We have another case in our hands. The victim has the same cut as the other victims we had before. I noticed the pattern from somewhere. I think the victims was killed by the same killer, remember 'Jeff'? " Jamie concluded as he passed the files to Kyle.

'Jeff' was the name that the police had given to the killer. Since 3 years ago, a boy would die from the deep cut the killer had cut across their necks.

Kyle flipped through the files- which contained the victim's profiles. He read the profiles detailedly.

"Jamie? Look at this," Kyle gestured Jamie to come over. Jamie walked over and stood beside Kyle. "The victims all have the same birthdays- 4th of August, they are all boys and they are all 13-years-old."

"Arden Martin, aged 13 at the time of death, was born on 4th of August, same as Gerald Kingston and Patrick Lindsay. See the connection?" Kyle asked Jamie.

Jamie nodded and said,"Yeah, I see it. But I don't get it, why would the killer be killing them for being a boy, a 13-year-old and for having the birthday, 4th of August?"

Kyle sighed. "That's what we have to find out."


A few hours later

"Kyle! I'm going home soon, you coming?" Jamie hollered at Kyle.

Kyle looked up from his computer and shouted back. "Yeah, I'm coming. Give me a sec, I have to shut dowm my computer."

He took a brief glance at his computer:

Name: Cody Olson

Age: 13

Date of Birth: 4 August 2001

It was a profile of a boy. There was a photo of him at the side of the profile. He has blonde hair, and sparkling blue eyes.

Kyle then shut down the computer, picked up his phone from the table and left the place with Jamie.


A little information about Kyle and Jamie

Kyle Jones joined the homicide department three years ago, when he was 22. He had solved quite a number of cases in the past 3 years. He is the youngest and most intelligent in the department.

Jamie Black was 5 years older than Kyle. He had joined the department 6 years ago, hence he had a lot of experience. He was requested to partner with Kyle and they had spent everyday together since then. 


A few days later

"Nothing. There was literally no evidence left 'Jeff'. How is this even possible?" Jamie sighed as he banged his head against his keyboard.

"Come on, Jamie, we have to keep searching for clues here," Kyle knocked on Jamie's head.

"There is no clues, Kyle! Give it up! Case closed!" Jamie rose up from his seat and walked away in anger.

Jamie always lose his temper. He has no patience either. 

Kyle thought as he looked at his watch.

8pm, 2 August 2014

There is only 2 more days left till someone turns 13...


The next day

Jamie and Kyle decided to go to Cody's house to protect him as well as to let him know the situation he is in. Cody's house is quite isolated. His house is the only one around that area.

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