The Brokenhearted

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The Brokenhearted

"Lucy, please, just hear me out," Mark grabbed my wrist, trying to stop me from walking away.

I spinned around and tried to jerk his hand away from my wrist, but his grip was too strong. "Let go of me, Mark! There's nothing left to talk about, okay?" I cried, tears streaming down my face.

Mark slowly loosened his grip on my wrist. Stunned by my words, he said softly. "Look, I know all of this is my fault but all I want is for you to forgive me."

Looking up at his pleading eyes, my voice was shaky as I said, "I will forgive you."

His eyes immediately lit up. "Good, I-"

"But," That made him shut up and I continued.

"I can never forget," Without hesitation, I turned around and walked away as the sound of my heels filled the silence, leaving Mark standing in the pavement alone in the dark, cold night. 


Looking up at the mirror, I've noticed how terrible my face looked. My eyes were red and puffy, my usual long, wavy hair was tied up in an unkempt manner. Turning on the tap, I washed my face with my cleaner and dried it with a face towel. I looked at my reflection. What used to be a confident, cheerful girl had turned into a emotional, depressed wreck from just a break up.

Break up.

That's right, my four-years relationship had ended and it was time for me to move on. But it's hard, it's like a stone in my heart which didn't want to move. It's there even if I tried to forget it. It had become a memory. Oh god, help me. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

3 months ago

"Luce, wake up, it's time for you to go to work," I felt Mark shaking my arm vigorously as I twisted and turned my body.

"I dont wanna!" I whined, like a twelve-year-old child.

"Come on, Luce! I've cooked pancakes!" Hearing the word 'pancakes', my ears perked up. 

"With maple syrup?" I asked, not believing that my boyfriend would be so gentlemanly.

He chuckled and said,"Of course!"

With lightning speed, I got up and rushed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

In the bathroom, I heard Mark shouting, "Sorry, honey! I lied! Now hurry up, you're gonna be late!"

Groaning, I picked up my toothbrush and brushed my teeth.



Laying in my bed, I succumbed to the world of my distracting thoughts. Why would Mark do this to me? I don't understand. Am I not good enough for him? I sighed, rolling to my right and placing my hands below my head. Just then, my eyes landed unknowingly on a particular picture frame.

It's a picture of Mark and me, smiling oh so happily. We were hugging and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

On normal days, whenever I took a look at it, I would smile and be glad that I was with him. Unfortunately, it was not a normal day for me. I took the picture frame and put it into my drawer. I hoped I would never see the picture ever again.


A few days later

Damn. I had been staying at home all week, ignoring Mark's phone calls and texts, binged watching Breaking Bad. I had not shower since and I decided to do that, you know, in case my neighbours complain of a foul smell in their surroundings.

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