The Unknown

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The Unknown

I am lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling in my room when a soft knock on the door causes me to jump.

The door opens slightly, revealing my mother, who is holding a tray with a bowl of cereal on it. Cornflakes with almond milk, I assume, as it is my favourite.

"Hey, sweetie. I brought you your favourite cereal," She says in a gentle voice.

"Thanks, put it on my table," I respond, not looking away from the ceiling.

My mother puts the tray on the table and I feel her staring at me. She sighs, and from the corner of my eye, I see her putting her hands on her hips.

"Abby, I wish you can... get well soon, you know. It sickens me to see you in this state,"She sighs again.

"I'm fine, Mum. Don't have to worry about me," I turn my head and face her. A few tears escape her eyes and she wipe it with her hands.

"I'm sorry, Abby. I'm sorry that I neglected you in any way. I'm..." She pauses, wipes her face and continues.

"I'm sorry," She sniffs, grabbing a tissue from the tissue box and blows her nose.

Guilt builds up inside of me. I sit upright and ask my mum to sit on my bed with me. She sits next to me and I hold her hand. Looking up at me, I now see that her complexion is horrible. She has many bags beneath her eyes, indicating her lack of sleep. She has more wrinkles which means that she has been neglecting her appearance. Which is not normal, since my mum is a beauty guru.

I can't blame her. The accident has traumatised all of us.

"Mum, it is not your fault. Don't blame yourself," I say.

Tears cascade from her face like a waterfall. Her eyes are all red and puffy. I reach my free hand and wipe the tears of her face.

"But if I could stop him, none of this will happen," She states, leaning against my shoulder while grabbing another tissue.

"He went out on his own accord. No one can stop him," I point out.

"But... I just miss him so much, Abby," She cries even more, blowing her nose for the umpteen time.

I lean against Mum and replies,"Yeah, I miss him too."

That's when the waterworks begin.


After a session of crying my eyes out, my mother left the room. She said that she wanted to buy some groceries. I just lie on my bed, listening to songs on my iPod. My iPod is precious to me. It contains songs which soothes and comforts me. However, sometimes it doesn't work. My mind likes to overpower my positive thoughts and my world will turn dark again. I will get sucked into that world and it will take time to get out. In my case, it took me eight months but I may get sucked in there again. I'm a piece of paper that was crumpled and no matter how hard anyone tries to make it smooth again, they fail. They will always do.

Eight months ago, I was diagnosed with depression. After the accident, my world came crashing down. I left my friends, despite their countless times comforting me. They didn't understand what I was going through so I blocked them out. I didn't want them to suffer with me. Of course, I was a cutter. I enjoyed the pain that the cuts gave me. Seeing blood flowing down my arm was like seeing my problem fading away. Sadly, reality hit me hard and it reminded me that my problem was still there. So I continued cutting till my arms were so bloody that I couldn't see my cuts anymore. Before those eight months, I was dying inside. I lost my appetite, my interest in dancing, blocking out everyone.

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