Chapter 1

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                                                               GAVIN'S P.O.V.  

 "Detective Reed! In my office, now!" Fowler yelled from the doorway of his office. I grumbled loudly, stood up, and shoved my chair into my desk. Every time I had been called into his office, it had been for praise on my work ethic, or to be almost fired due to the fact that I'm late to work. I somewhat reluctantly shuffled into his office, leaning against the window. Instead of looking at Fowler, I stared at the floor under his desk instead. Fowler snapped his fingers. "If I could have your attention here, Detective."  I looked up at him, and he sat back in his seat satisfied. 

  "Reed," He said more pleasantly, folding his hand over his lap. "The station had received a new shipment of androids, and most are GJ500's, PC200's and PM700's. Almost everyone in the precinct will have an android partner." I looked away from Fowler, and there was a tin can next to his desk. 

  "So what's this over glorified toaster got to do with me?" He chuckled lightly. 

   "Detective, this is a new Cyberlife prototype. If you have noticed," he gestured to Hank, who was giving Connor an affectionate, fatherly noogie, "we have an RK800 model here. This 900 model is designed to work in harmony with him." Connor waved and smiled to the tin can, and he nodded warmly in response. I had grown to largely ignore and even slightly tolerate having him around, and I was forced to respect him unless I wanted another bullet in the shoulder from Hank. I shot the android a disgusted look, and he wilted slightly. Hank glared at me, and I just scoffed. I looked back to Fowler and the life-sized blender. 

  "Why do I care, again? You didn't answer my question," I said, eyeing the fancy Roomba suspiciously. He looked a lot like Connor, but with a wider and a bit thicker face. His eyes were a piercing blue, and disturbingly human. He had prominent, angular cheekbones and a jawline to match. His lips were plump and full. I pinched myself to keep my thoughts straight.

     The complicated fruit juicer was much, much taller than me. He had thick, muscular thighs, and slimmer yet still muscular calves. I had found myself blushing. He wore a white Cyberlife jacket that was easily filled in by his broad shoulders, and a thick black long sleeve button up with a collar that came up to his sharp jawline. It looked like a neck brace. At least there's something I can make fun of him for, I smirked. My mind strayed from his collar to the neck underneath it. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself together, drawing blood. 

He hadn't said a word, and he may be hot, but I could tell that this waste of metal was an asshole. 

    He eyed me up the same way that I did to him, and a light blue tinged his cheeks. Fowler made a face and gestured to the tin can. "RK900, this is Detective Reed. Tell him what you can do." 

   "I have many different features," he said, his voice, deeper, sexier, and more mature than Connor's. Wait, I thought, staring down at the floor, Did I just use sexy and mature to describe a stupid bot?  I even mentally scoffed at my ridiculousness. "My predecessor, Connor, had me equipped with AP700 abilities." He paused, his blue blush deepening. "Also features from the HR400 model."  I looked at him in confusion, and he sighed in relief at the notion that I didn't know what that model was.   

 "I'll ask again. WHY THE PHCK DO I CARE?!" 

   "Forgive me, Detective." The defective washing machine held out his hand for me to shake. "I'll be your new partner."  

It's me, ya boi Devo with the rebrand. School is a thing and I might be able to update more because of it, ironically. 


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