Chapter 6

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 "Oooooh! Nines has a boyfriend! Nines has a boyfriend!" 

  "Connor," I said coldy. Emotions weren't really my thing. Even since deviating I hadn't really felt emotions, besides anger. I did feel love and compassion for Dad and Connor, but that was it.  No one particularly blamed me for it, my reason for  becoming a deviant more terrible than that of a typical deviant's. I shuddered at the memory. "What would draw you to that conclusion?"

   "Welllllll," he drew out, twirling a piece of Sumo's fur between his fingers. "You spent a lot of time at his house today," he gave me that look. You know that look that people give you, when they think they're right, or they know they're absolutely wrong? He was giving me that look.

    (I know a few of you know Jackson Schmaltz. Why is this relevant? The look I'm describing is the shit-faced look he gives me all the time when he has no idea what he's talking about. He's also typically pointing too.)

  "I was saving his life." Connor nodded, ruffling the fur of the big dog in front of him.

    "Are you gonna go to work tomorrow?" He asked, yawning in a grandiose manner.

     "Why wouldn't I be?" I layed flat on my back, with my hands crossed over my stomach.

    "You look like a corpse," Connor giggled. A loud knock erupted from the thin wooden door.
     "Boys, I know you aren't sleeping in there, can I come in?" Connor got up, letting him in. Dad leaned against the doorway.

  "Hey kiddo, can I wash those clothes for ya? They look crunchy and nasty."

    "That would be greatly appreciated," I replied warmly, getting out of bed.

   "Put 'em on the couch after you change, Connor should have some pants or something you can wear in the meantime." I hadn't been with the Anderson's for too long, so I hadn't any extra clothes yet. Not that I needed them, since I wasn't nearly as high maintenance as Connor. But if these kinds of encounters with Gavin were going to be frequent, I would need some clothes other than my Cyberlife uniform.

       Connor reluctantly untangled himself from the mass of blankets he'd wrapped himself in, and let go of the dog. He sighed and rifled through his drawers, eventually handing me a pair of Cookie Monster pajama pants. "Sorry, it's the closest thing I have to your size," he said sheepishly. 

    "They look a bit small, are you sure these will fit?" Connor scoffed. 

  "Would you rather wear some of Dad's clothes?" Even though I had one pair of clothing, I was still particular about my fashion. 

        "Oh please. I'd much rather wear Gavin's ratty hoodie." I slipped off my belt, and hung it up in it's usual position. I slipped of my pants with ease and folded them nicely on my bed. I just barely wriggled into the pants, my thigh budging under the fabric. I waddled out of our room, with my clothes in hand, and placed them on the couch.  

   "Connor," I inquired once I was back in our room, "why are my thighs, and my muscles in general much bigger than yours?" 

    He chuckled lightly. "Because Kamski is a perv." I slowly laid back down on my bed, laughing along. "Did you know Kamski is Gavin's half-brother? They're pretty much twins!" 

    "Oh? Elaborate, please." I sat back up. 

 "So their dad got two girls pregnant at almost the same time. The two girls were sisters, and Kamski was born only a couple months before Gavin! Kamski was born premature. Wacky, isn't it?" I registered the information into my database. 

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