Chapter 7

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(@jorja_kh / @jorjadevotee strikes again, with a beautiful fanart of Gavin in thigh-high cat socks.) 

 I walked Colton and Colin out of the abandoned building carefully, making sure to avoid holes in the floor and falling debris. We stayed quiet for a long time. I didn't want to break the thin glass that prevented the androids from shattering completely. I finally decided to ask some questions. The less time these vulnerable androids spent in the concrete prison that was the DPD, the better.  

  I started out by at least trying to get the androids to talk. I analyzed them, and each one of them had a few minor biocomponent injuries, and there was very little thirium flow to their vocal cords. I'd have to get the thirium flowing before I could properly interrogate. It slightly damaged their vocal cords even just to say their names.

    I talked about myself a little, and my backstory. Occasionally, either brother would chime in with similarities. Colin also liked to read, and Colton also liked to sit outside and admire nature.

   "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions now?" They both shook their heads no. "Colin, what is your backstory?"

       "Well, did Hank and or Connor tell you about what happened in the Cyberlife tower?" I nodded my head yes. An RK800 model had held Dad at gunpoint in the Cyberlife tower. "Well, I'm the RK800 that had done the terrible things to Hank. After I was shot, I was thrown in one of the recycling centers set up for the androids and deviants. Three humans kidnapped me directly after my arrival at the center and kept me in an old warehouse with a few other androids. Colton was there when I got there. We deviated together." I nodded, taking in his story. 

    "Colton, what about you?" 

          "I was created the same time that Colin was. We were held in the same storage facility before being dispatched. I was sent to the Madison Heights Police Department. Madison Heights is a small little town 30 minutes north of Detroit. I was acting 'a little too human' so they tossed me in a recycling center. The three humans captured me after my arrival, too. I was the first android in the warehouse. When Colin arrived, I knew we had to go. He and I deviated together. We tried to escape together once." While he talked, Colton's hair puffed back up to the normal Connor hairstyle, but a bit fluffier. 

   "You both said that there were three humans. When I arrived, there were only two. What happened to the third?"

   "One of the androids we were with, a TR400 named Jonathan, managed to kill one of the humans when we were being transported. He was shot and killed shortly after. Jonathan was our best friend in the holding unit, besides each other," Colin said slowly, fumbling with his hands. 

  "How long were you in the holding facility?" 

  "Oh RA9. I don't even know how long. Well, I was thrown in after Markus' revolution, after the Cyberlife tower was cleaned out. My biocomponents were severely damaged, and there were no supplies to fix me at the moment. After I was taken, the kidnappers repaired me. I actually thought they were nice, until..." Colin trailed off, shuddering at the memory. A few tears rolled down the android's dirt-stained cheeks. I removed the skin on my hands, and placed one on Colin's shoulder, and then on Colton's in a brotherly fashion. 

   "Take your time, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. Colin nodded, wiping the tears from his cheeks. He nodded but didn't speak anymore. 

    "I was in there for longer than Colin was," Colton whispered. He hadn't talked for a while, his comment barely audible. "They did terrible things to us there, repairing us just to break us down again. They enjoyed the deviants the most, the ones who could feel the pain."  We approached where I had entered the building, and I took my hands of the brothers. 

   "Okay, boys. We're getting close to getting out of here. Can you do something for me?" They both nodded. "Can you hold your hands up in front of your chests, palms out? I don't want you guys to be mistaken for hostiles." The twins complied. I crossed my own hands across my chest as we exited the old building, the violently bright sunlight attacked their eyes. Their hands flew up to cover their eyes as we were rushed by various police officers and androids. The two RK800 models were escorted away and sat in the back of a dark ambulance. 

   I was assaulted by three people. Dad and Connor threw themselves onto me. 

  "What's wrong with you! You could have been damaged, or worse, killed! You shouldn't have gone in there alone!" Dad tore into me relentlessly. 

  "Because I didn't want you guys to get injured or killed," I explained smoothly.

  "At the expense of your own life? That's a risk we would not have been willing to take, Nines!" Connor continued. 

   "Well, you didn't take that risk. I did." I said again. Connor's grip on me tightened as Tina Chen pushed her way up to me, poking me in the chest. 

  "You just wait until Gavin gets his hands on you," she threatened. "He's so fucking pissed at you, you better watch your back, tin can. I was only nice to you because I thought that you were going in with reinforcements! If I knew you were going in alone," she shook her fist at me.

  "Thanks for the sentiment, Officer Chen. Is Gavin here?" I looked around for the short man. 

  "No, he's at his house having a fucking panic attack! You better get your fucking shit together, you plastic prick. If you pull shit like this again, I'm never letting you even think about my fucking best friend ever again!" She took a deep breath and smoothed her hair back. 

   "Sorry, I-he-, Gavin's been through a lot of shit and he's got abandonment issues and separation anxiety. You better go check on him later," she breathed. 

"Of course, Officer Chen."

  "Call me Tina." 

*Timeskip brought to you by the wonderful friend that is Officer Tina Chen.I highkey love her even though she doesn't say anything in the game. If she puts up with Gayvin's shit she's got to be the best fucking friend in the world*

Dad, Connor, and a few other officers plunged into the building, I sat back down to talk to the twins. They had shock blankets draped over their shoulders

  "C-Conan?" Colton stuttered out.

  "Yes, Colton?" 

   "Can we come home with you?" 

 "Of course." I smiled warmly and slung my arms around my two new brothers.

Okay, I have to cut this chapter into two parts because it would have been too long. If you are reading this, I am your grandfather now. Don't ask me why I don't make the rules here. 


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