Aftercare (20)

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Gavin woke up to the scent of bacon. When the hell did he buy bacon? Who the hell was in his house?? The fragments of dreams he had slipped away as he tried to make sense of the situation. He didn't get drunk last night, and he hadn't had a one-night stand since his 20's.

He separated himself from the slightly sticky sheets and it clicked for him.

Conan was alive. Conan was alive and spent the night at his house last night.

Gavin got in the shower, cleaning off what he didn't have the energy to last night. When he got out, he wandered into the kitchen, wearing nothing but a towel.

"Looks who's finally awake," Conan said with a meek smile. Gods above, how Gavin had missed that smile. He was standing at Gavin's stove, fully clothed, poking at eggs in a frying pan with a spatula.

"O-kay, I am definitely not ready for this. What the hell are you doing, exactly?"

"I'm making you breakfast. There was nothing in the fridge so I went shopping." Gavin noticed that the entire kitchen had been cleaned, the dishes washed, and the cats fed.

"Conan, you didn't have to do all of this for me." He finished with the eggs, gingerly placing them onto a plate with bacon and toast. A cup of coffee sat nearby.

"Of course I did. It's my job to take care of you after, right?" Gavin shuffled over to him and stroked one of the many blue scratches on the android's back. Conan sighed, leaning into the touch.

"Let me get dressed, and then we'll eat. What time is it?"

"Eight. Your shift starts at nine."

"My shift?"

"I'm... not exactly cleared to go back yet. You're working with Dad and Connor, right?"

"Yeah." Gavin left the kitchen, walking back to his room. What to wear, what to wear.

Probably something that covers my neck, he thought, regarding the bite marks and hickeys covering his neck and part of his right shoulder. He carefully plucked an old turtleneck from the back of his closet and slipped it on. He got dressed the rest of the way and then wandered back into the kitchen.

"We need to talk," Gavin said as he sat down at his table. Conan placed the plate and cup in front of him eagerly.

"Yeah, I agree. What's on your mind?"

"So, so much, Conan. Where- what happened to you while you were dead?" Gavin broke the yolk of one of the fried eggs, dipping his toast in it.

"I'm.... not entirely sure, honestly. One day, I just- woke up in Kamski's lab. My memory is fuzzy. I do remember this, though." Conan held his hand out to Gavin, who gladly took it.

Conan dissipated his skin, revealing red glowing veins instead of blue.

"But your blood is still blue," Gavin said after a moment. "And your scars are all white." Gavin's eyes trailed below Conan's collar, picturing all of the horrific scars he traced over just last night.

"There are also a few more things that don't make sense about you. I didn't know you could-" Gavin averted his eyes, blushing deeply.

"Kamski's a pervert-!" Conan interrupted, looking down at the table, rubbing the back of his neck.

"And I didn't know that it-"

"Yeah, yup, yeah yeah yeah it yeah it does that." Conan dropped his face into his hands. "... sorry?"

"No no no, it was great. Unexpected, but fantastic." Gavin sighed happily, leaning back in his chair.

"Was I too rough?" He asked quietly.

"Not rough enough, honestly." Gavin was just teasing at this point, loving the absolutely flustered and exasperated look on Conan's face. "And I loved everything you said too. The name-calling was especially nice."

"I got caught up in the moment! My instincts took over and ahhhhhhgh! My systems are going to overheat!"

"Virgin," Gavin chuckled. "Oh wait-" That made Conan laugh. Gavin finished off his food and took a large drink of his coffee. Perfect, as always. "Okay, one more question before I have to leave for work."


"Why aren't you with your family? Do you know how much they've missed you?"

"Oh, I've been visiting them for twoish months now. Colin's been helping Kamski finish working out all the kinks in my code. Who'd've thought Colin would be such a good programmer?"

Gavin spat his coffee out all over the kitchen table, spraying Conan.

"Two months?! Really? You were alive for- for my birthday, for- and then you didn't call? You didn't text? You didn't do anything? Really? And Memorial Day- you could have-" Gavin almost yelled at Conan but pulled his volume down. "Why?"

"It wasn't my choice, Gavin! Kamski had me under his lock and key until I was ready. I was so, so broken, Gavin. Do you know what happens to an android when it's deprived of blood for so long? Deprived of organs? Deprived of life?" Conan took a deep breath as Gavin's eyes widened in shock. "I'm sorry." He covered his mouth with his hands.
"I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Conan." Gavin got up from the table, swallowing his anger. Conan had to deal with his own death, after all. That's something Gavin hadn't realised until now.

"We'll talk about it more when I get home, okay?" Gavin pecked Conan's cheek before gathering his things for work.

"Okay!" Conan called back to him.

"Hey-" Gavin poked his head back into the kitchen before walking out the door. "My dumbass brother didn't work out all your kinks!"

"Shut up!" Conan gasped, throwing a fork at Gavin.

"I'm leavingokaybye!"



Anyway, here's a cute domestic chapter before we dig into more angst. Also, jokes on you guys, Thirium Heart has just been a Chad x Virgin story the entire time

Devo 🤡

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