Chapter 36

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Jungkook drove Jimin to a jewelry place where they also had a piercer. He trusted the guy with Jimin because he had gotten some done on his ears before.

They walked hand in hand and Jungkook led him to the back where the man was. Jungkook and the man greeted each other as they had met before and Jimin waved before sitting down in the room like Jungkook told him to.

Once he saw Jimin was in the room, Jungkook lowered his voice.
"I know for a fact that Jimin is gonna cry. Is there any problem with that?"

The piercer chuckled, "That's the least of my worries. I get at least five clients who walk in here already crying." Jungkook then nodded implying that he understood.

"Go wait in there I'll be back in a bit. I need to get a tray ready."

Jungkook walked into the room where Jimin was seated, swinging his legs off the chair.
"What happened?" He cutely asked.
"It's nothing we were just talking about what you wanted to get done."

Jimin nodded and sat there quietly. Not much time passed before the piercer came back into the room. The color drained out of his face and Jungkook could tell he was scared.

"Relax I'm only going to put numbing cream on you. Can you take off your shirt?"

Jimin nodded once again and pulled his shirt over his head. The piercer bent down and put the cream over the area he was going to pierce. Jungkook noticed that Jimin flinched a little but it was most likely because the cream was cold.

"It's okay." Jungkook rubbed Jimin's back. Once the man got done he got back up and grabbed a case with different earrings.

"These are our more economic earrings. They're stainless steel and they'll do just fine, but we also have gold and silver ones." He mentioned as Jimin observed the box.

When Jimin was about to say something, Jungkook immediately voiced, "Show me the ones you have in gold."

Jimin looked up at him as of saying he didn't need him to buy expensive earrings. The man left again then returned with another box with multiple pairs and styles of earrings. Jungkook also looked at them and observed as Jimin picked out a pair with a golden bar and two small diamonds on the side of each. Jimin looked up to get Jungkook's opinion.

"I like those. They suit you."

He went with a small pair because he didn't want them to show much through his shirt. The piercer took the earrings and placed them aside on the tray along with the needle and sterilized tools. He then took a towel and wiped the numbing cream off of Jimin. He marked the location where the piercing would be and Jimin agreed with the placement on the first go and the guy then pulled out the needle.

Jimin panicked and he started to cry. He moved closer to Jungkook and he sat him on his lap. He cradled him in his arms in attempt to calm him. The piercer squatted to make himself appear smaller than Jimin. He made sure that Jimin was a bit calmer before he started to talk to him.

"Hey bud. Listen." He rubbed Jimin's arm with the hand he hadn't put the glove on. "What's your name?"

Jimin sniffled and wiped his tears away, "it's Jimin."

"Okay Jimin. I promise it won't take long it'll only feel like a little pinch then it'll be done okay?"

"Pinky promise?"
The man nodded and linked fingers with Jimin.

"Alright I need you to close your eyes."
Jimin shit his eyes closed tightly and Jungkook watched the whole thing as Jimin was sitting on his lap.

"Jimin what's your favorite food?"
Jimin paused to think and the piercer stuck the needle through his skin before he could get an answer out. Jimin moved himself away a bit and started to cry again.

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