|Chp. 4: Runaway Royal|

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Quinn stood in front of a large mirror in his room. I was sitting on his bed. His massive bed. It was comfy as well no less. White furs lined it with numerous pillows stuffed full of cotton covered the bed.

He had a massive wardrobe made of wood full of clothes I had never seen before. They were a bit small though. Quinn had taken them all out and laid them down on the bed. The room was huge. And was connected to a bathroom something I had recently discovered at the base.

But Quinn's bathroom was a lot more grand. With a big toilet and a large tub that shined. Some servants, literal servants brought Quinn clothes. He looked uncomfortable while looking at them. They were different then all his furs, but still had bits of furs. But they looked more. . . grand and eye catching.

Quinn held a light blue silk shirt to him before rolling his eyes and setting it down. "This is the part I never missed." Quinn said as I sat cross legged on his bed. "These clothes are weird." I said poking the silk and Quinn smiled.

"I like our clothes." Quinn said and I nodded at that. Quinn turned back to the mirror looking at his reflection. He was told to comb his hair out and he did. Quinn's hair was at it's finest as of right now. Combed to perfection that it looked soft.

I really wanted to touch it but kept my hands to myself. Quinn was irritated. Putting down the shirt he turned to me as he drummed his fingers on the dresser. "Out of all of these, what looks the most normal to you?" Quinn asked showing his clothes to me and I bit my lip looking at them.

"Well that one sort of looks normal." I told Quinn who sighed before nodding. "It better look normal. This is tiring. Least you don't have to play dress up." Quinn said dropping his fur cloak and taking off his shirt revealing his muscled back and chest.

"Like I don't want to play dress up. But no my mother wants me to look proper for dinner. No one will be there except my family, but no I have to look nice." Quinn said as he took off his pants and I was quick to look away not wanting to see those parts.

"It's not fair, you don't need to dress up. Yet here I am with all of these silk clothing and. . ." Quinn trailed off. "I'm sorry for complaining. You did have a spear pressed to you." Quinn said. "It's fine, but at least put pants on." I said.

Quinn turned red as he snatched a pair of his pants and slipped them on. He slipped on the shirt before buttoning it up and looking between the furs. A beautiful white one and one of his cloaks, a gray one. Quinn grabbed the gray one before looking at me.

Coming over he sat behind me and began combing my hair. "Hey! That hurts." I said trying to get away when Quinn grabbed me. "If I have to suffer it so do you." Quinn said and I rolled my eyes before sitting still not wanting to fight with him over this.

Quinn ran the comb through my hair until he found no more knots before stopping. Once he did I felt relieved before touching my soft hair as Quinn stood up. "Come on, my mom can be an impatient women." Quinn said and I nodded at that before following him.

Now my scalp hurt from Quinn running that cursed comb through my hair. But a lot better than when Ruby did it. But then when Ruby did it the last thing something was in my hair was when my mom was alive.

She always ran her hands through my hair and played with it. But now once more it was combed making me sulk as I walked behind Quinn. Quinn was quite the sight in his silk clothing and then that one odd gray fur cloak that I had made him.

My handy work looked bad next to all the clothing that Quinn wore. We continued through the hallways while I stayed at Quinn's side. This was way out of my league, in this castle and I couldn't even have Lupa at my side to help me. The only person I had at my side was Quinn.

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