|Chp. 30: More Wine?|

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Each feast they made grander then the one before. With fruit shipped in from all over the forest, even certain things from the city it was grand. Plates of grapes, elk roasted in the finest honey and peppers they could find with pies set up as well.

Silver and golden cups filled the large royal table as the servants poured the finest wine that the kingdom could make. And they drank and ate. And it almost seemed as if Orsen and Quinn weren't going to fight to the death on the last day of the festival.

Quinn and I were in his bed with Quinn holding a golden cup filled to the brim with red colored wine which he swirled around before taking a sip. "I plan to get wasted tonight." Quinn said leaning back. "Of course you do." I said and he smiled just a bit.

He was already tipsy. His servant had left a wine in here. I was eating my strip of moose meat basked in honey, cinnamon, and a few other things. "Well since I might die tomorrow. Worth it." Quinn said drinking all of it as he got up and stumbled to get more wine.

"Silver." Quinn said crawling back into the bed as I tore apart my moose and ate it. "You should try some." Quinn said pushing the golden goblet against my lips. "Pass." I responded and he rolled his eyes. "I've never gotten drunk before." Quinn said as he sat there sipping the wine.

"But I'm not dying without it." He responded drinking more. "You should eat." I told him and he rolled his eyes as he set the golden goblet down. And went to eating his seal. It was a weird meat, but he seemed to like it as he laid back eating it.

Once he was done he pushed the plate away as the servant came, filled Quinn's cup up once more and took the plate and left as he grabbed his cup once more. He laughed just a bit spilling some of the wine onto his bed as I watched him.

"Your are so gone." I said and he smiled at me. And then he fell right on top of Lupa and I. Lupa snarled at him getting up and leaping out of the bed and hiding underneath it. 'Intoxicated lunatic.' Lupa muttered as she went underneath barely fitting as her tail stuck out.

"You smell good." Quinn said. He felt like he weighed a ton on me as I tried to get him to move off of me, but it wasn't working very well as his white hair tickled the skin that was exposed as he breathed in heavily once more.

"Like the forest, and the sweet roses that grow in the garden that my mom uses to make rose water." Quinn said. "Quinn you weigh a ton get off of me." He sighed as he rolled over grabbing the goblet once more with the dark wine inside.

And down it went into his belly. "You sure you don't want any?" Quinn asked and I shook my head. "It's for you, not me. And I don't like wine that much." I told him and he shrugged before filling his goblet up once more.

"Silver." Quinn said turning to me and I looked at him. "Do you find me attractive?" Quinn bizarrely asked. "What?" I asked. "Do you find me to be attractive?" He asked. "Why are you asking me this?" I asked watching him as he took another sip of his wine once more.

"I think your gorgeous." Quinn responded. "So I want to know if you find me attractive. Worthy. Would you accept me as your mate? Be honest." He was drunk. He was gone. He was currently chasing dragons and unicorns, that's how far gone he was. And there he sat still sipping wine.

And then that ridiculous smile came back. "I mean, your nice, and I'm sure you'll make some girl happy." Why did I feel a pinch of envy and jealousy? Just the words coming up from my throat were bitter. Some girl. Quinn deserved someone who would love him unconditionally and be faithful.

Not just some girl. But I wouldn't tell him that. "Well I find you to be quite desirable Silver. Your not like the others girl. Gods, you are not like them. The rest," He laughed just a bit. "Your so confident, it's really appealing to me." He said in his drunken stupor.

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