|Chp. 11: Furious Fangs|

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Quinn was worked up after that. Not that I could blame him for that, I was almost maimed and mauled apart by wolves. My own kind no less. But it was even more obvious on the pack mentality life. They didn't like lone wolves.

And that's what I was. A lone wolf trespassing on their territory. There had been many frightening moments in my life. From facing down Erick, Raegan, and Ruby all at once, my mother's death, the leopards, Thaddeus, but this was far the most frightening without a doubt in my mind.

Just seeing those wolves chasing me would forever haunt me. Lupa was now missing a bit of fur from the wolf that went rolling with. Of course so was that wolf. They were furious on another wolf in their territory that Quinn being there didn't even bother them at that point.

They'd rather of sunk their teeth into me then Quinn. After all I was just some lone wolf, there would be no repercussions for killing me. Quinn on the other hand, that would probably start a war. If I had a pack, well it might of been different, but I didn't have a pack.

I was easy game to them and that infuriated me yet frightened me. There was only one wolf I had ever been around and that was my mother and she never tried to take a chunk out of me. Sure Ebony had corrected us numerous times with nips.

But that was how wolves did it. But those wolves, they were out for blood and now I knew it well. I was probably never going to find a pack, and Erick getting a wolf pack on his side was slim to none. They'd rather tear them apart.

"There were wolves on the hunt?"

Honey's voice cut through as Quinn stood there a bit nervously biting his lip. "Yes mother." Quinn said. "And they came onto our territory?" Honey asked. "No mother." Quinn said as Myr watched him and raised an eyebrow at that. "Then how did you come across them?" Honey asked.

"We went into their territory by accident, it passed my mind the line border and how far we had gone out, I'm sorry." Quinn said looking extremely embarrassed at being berated. It took all my will power not to snap at his mother and be thankful he wasn't hurt.

It really did. And Myr simply watched. Honey sighed. "Are you hurt?" Honey asked finally showing a more nurturing side of her for the first time. "No mother, I'm fine. They didn't go after me." Quinn said and Honey nodded at that her gaze shifting over to me and I tensed just a bit.

"Hopefully Quinn you get more acquainted with the land again. Until then I don't want you out without your sister or Thaddeus." Honey said. "Do you not trust me?" Quinn asked. "I trust you." Honey said and she looked at me. But she didn't trust me no doubt.

"But I don't trust the wolves, they tend to like getting their revenge in the end, no matter how it comes, they hold grudges. And I promise you Quinn you don't want to be at the receiving end of it." Honey said and I bit my lip. Wolves help grudges like no other.

When they promised something it tended to happen, it was very rare for it not to happen. I was lucky to have escaped their claws. And honestly I didn't want to tempt fate once more. Sure when it came to most I'd tempt fate, but I knew nothing about this pack of wolves.

Except that the scar on Thaddeus's face came from one. That's all I knew about that pack of wolves and I would defiantly do my best to avoid them. At whatever cost. I wasn't going back there and I felt bad for getting Quinn under the eyes of his watchful mother.

"It won't happen mother, I promise." Quinn said and Honey nodded. Quinn looked at me and nodded. I still could remember the wolves vividly in my mind. Honey had decided to be kind and let Lupa into Quinn's room for a day after the attack which made me feel a bit better.

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