|Chp. 7: Dresses & Polar Bears|

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Being woken up in the morning was something neither of us liked. Quinn and I both hated it. So imagine my surprise when Quinn's sister North was waking him up and he woke up willingly. I had been half awake half asleep when North came in.

The sun was beginning to peek over the horizon and cast a glow on the castle of ice that they resided in. North came in with a bit of a smile on her soft yet beautiful features. She closed the door quietly behind her as she came in.

Her long white hair was down in waves and she wore a silk nightgown of blue colors as she looked at Quinn and I. "You look so peaceful." North said with a smile as I slowly began to wake up as North shook Quinn awake. I went to tell her not to but Quinn was awake.

He shut up before looking at North and sighing. "North what are you doing in here?" Quinn asked and North smiled. "Well I brought breakfast since father and mother already ate. I think you'll like it." North said before going out and wheeling in a cart of food.

"It's strawberry pastries, one of your favorites. And the jam you love." North said with a smile as I groaned and pulled the blankets over me as Quinn got up. And then he took a pastry and took a bite out of it and strawberry jam began to run down his chin.

North laughed as Quinn wiped the jam from his lip and licked it off of his fingers before turning to me. "Silver it's time to wake up." Quinn said and I rolled away from him pulling the fur over my heat. "Leave me alone." I said.

"Grumpy sleeper?" North asked. I shot up at that. "I'm not a grumpy sleeper, he is. Wake him up in the morning in winter and I want to clock him in the face." I said nastily getting up as Quinn looked at me amused as I stalked away.

Opening my bag I searched for clothing. "Silver is your name right?" North asked. "No my name is gold." I said sarcastically. "I like her, she's funny." North said and I rolled my eyes at that. "She's more of sarcastic." Quinn said and North nodded before watching me as I took out clothes.

"Those looks like rags for peasants." North said. "For your information, I made these. They're fit for me." I said snatching up my sheepskin coat as Quinn watched amused. "Least I don't look like an overdressed. . . baboon!" I said as it was the only thing I could think of.

"What's a baboon?" North asked Quinn. "A monkey." Quinn answered as I went into the bathroom and got dressed before buttoning up my sheepskin coat. Royalty. I don't need their silk dresses and blah, blah, blah. Man Ruby was easier to handle since she wasn't full of silks ad things like that.

I came back out to see Quinn and North talked. "Pastry?" North asked picking up one and handing it out to me. "I promise you they aren't poised, I made them myself. And the jam is fresh." North said as I looked at the weird pastry.

They didn't appeal to me the way a roasted rabbit over the fire did. But my stomach at a moment like this didn't care so I snatched it and turned to the bed and sat down to eat it. Quinn smiled at me before turning back to North.

"Don't mind her North. Silver's very hostile to new people, and Thaddeus did choke her out not that long ago." Quinn said as I took a bite of the pastry. The jam was sweet, probably not that sweet to most but as a wolf it was incredibly sweet to me.

But my stomach didn't protest as prior to the dinner last night I hadn't eaten a lot. But I wasn't hungry enough to get another one. Just as I held my hand out for Lupa to lick anything away I realized she wasn't in there with me. I glared at the jam on my fingers.

Unlike Quinn I had no desire to lick it off of my fingers. And I sure as hell wasn't about to put my hand to Quinn and have him lick it of. Now I really missed Lupa. Quinn gave me the body warmth that she provided but not the trash disposal that she was.

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