|Chp. 16: A Feast for Royals|

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Quinn and I found something that wasn't bad in his families eyes according to him. Dresses weren't something I liked. But when showing Ruby with some of the fabric she gave me I made a dress of my size which happened to be there.

It was a soft grey material lined with a grey fleece material which Ruby provided. It was literally the only dress I owned that North didn't have made. Ruby always took interest on how good I was at making my own clothes and it was nice hearing her praise.

I did enjoy it. But it was a nice dress according to Quinn and acceptable. With the neck having a fur outline that took forever. I combined one of my mother's techniques of keeping warm but not having fur catching on everything when she was out hunting and things like that.

She lined the insides of the clothes with fur which kept the inside of you warm, But I simply lined up near the neck and let some show at Ruby's request. It took me a moment to realize that Ruby was having me make a pretty dress in my size to wear.

This would be the first time ever wearing it. It was loose of course making it easy to move. Quinn insisted on brushing my hair for me and I glared each time he caught a knot and yanked on it. Lupa tried to run when he went to comb out her fur but he caught her by her backend.

And told her it was payback for biting him. Soon Lupa's fur was all sorts of combed out into a soft texture once more. The texture I did love petting. She grumbled and was a cranky brat from there on forth.

When walking out with Quinn I was most surprised to see Eden standing outside there. Quinn was quick to explain how their bears would be present for this feast. And I was defiantly sure however these people were they sure were definitely important to let the bears in.

Sure they respected their spirit animals like we all do, but it seemed it was ruled in two places here. The human side of the ice castle and the spirit animal side. Each ruled by two respective rulers, Honey and Myr and then their spirit animals. Eden was patiently waiting for us.

And his white fur was combed out like Lupa's was. Eden looked quite calm compared to Lupa's irritated posture form being combed out. She shook her fur once more ears pinned back looking at Quinn who simply smiled at her as she followed Eden trotting her tail raised.

Her winter fur had grown out making her very furry. Quinn led the way through the ice castle to the huge room where we ate in the first day we had been in here. The room had been dusted and cleaned and everything looking quite sharp, more so than Quinn when he came here.

But they had time to prepare. The heads of the animals stared out with the glassy fake eyes staring back. Quinn's family was here as Lupa's tail curled up completely at it's full arch at all the polar bears in the room. She was showing her dominance for sure.

Honey sat at the front with Myr. She was in an iridescent white dress with tiny white diamonds sewn into the top. And a white fur across her shoulders. Myr wore simple silks, a white silk shirt, and black pants with Thaddeus in similar attire to his father as was Quinn.

North wore a lilac dress with fake white flowers sewn on in a style of a rose and similar white fur. And then there was with me with my dark colors amongst the colors of the snow and light. I mean it complemented their white hair if that helped.

But my darker hue clothes complemented me. Then there were the ones at the opposite end of the table. The guests no doubt who sat there at the opposite end of the table as Quinn and I sat at the end where his family were. I defiantly didn't belong here.

But Quinn insisted on me being here for he would behave. But this was a room full of silk clad, hair like snow filled polar bears with dark brown eyes. And then there was me. Multi hair colored wolf with fur and deep amber eyes. But Blizzard was a bit out.

His skin was a bit more tan on their fair skin and he had those striking blue eyes of his. Like a sea that I've been told about, the sky. He screamed attention at such a young age. He'd have she-wolves falling for him when he was old enough.

But he was this tiny little thing right now, just an adorable little pup. The polar bear servants were putting masses of meat out for human and animal. Lupa's eyes lit up as a leg of deer was put in front of her. When Eden went to sniff it she bit his muzzle.

Eden was surprised and jolted back before moving away forgetting of Lupa's intense food aggression. She made the bears look good. But she was on her behavior right now, typically she'd be growling at Eden throughout her entire meal for even looking at her the wrong way.

She barely shared food with me, but it was a wolf thing. The strong get the food and you tend to have to fight for the food. Unless you were a pup, a pup ate first so I never experienced not getting food first until Eden and Quinn came around triggering the inner wolf for sure.

But Lupa behaved. I found out quickly who Quinn hated here. It was the entire family for sure, he hated them all, his posture was stiff and aggravated compared to the relaxed one of Blizzard, although the entire table was stiff save for the pup and few bear cubs here.

But Quinn hated the smug looking white haired male. He was around our age. His hair was a bit darker and his eyes borderline black. His lips didn't fit his face for sure, and like Quinn he was tall and bulky. And his presence sure did upset Lupa.

In his defense most presences upset Lupa. She was a moody wolf who hadn't even gone into heat. Lupa ate the deer as everyone else got their food. But the male stared Quinn down as if trying to provoke him into an argument to see who would come out on top.

"Winter." The head one spoke and he looked away with a frown. The head male, well he was large like Myr, but a bit shorter. And was defiantly not on Honey's good side from the frown she wore on her lips. She was not pleased by his presence.

The aura at each ends was different from the family vibes I received. Being a wolf had it's benefits, I was a pack animal and did prefer more people, I kept it down with bears but when I was alone I was always sad. Which is why I was enjoyed Quinn's company. But I could tell who was the boss and who wasn't.

Honey, she was the boss for sure, the alpha in wolf terms. Or here the queen, the queen of polar bears, of this one at least. While Myr would be an alpha and a king, he married her not the other way around.

Honey would be queen with or without him as it was her birthright. You could tell in her posture. The posture of power and dominance. And she didn't hold it back. And Myr held respect for his mate as well. The other king and queen. . . not so much.

The head male was no doubt the king. He had a more. . . ruthless and sadistic vibe to him then Myr. While Honey held her head up, his mate: the queen held her head down. She kept her eyes down almost as if she feared him and didn't want to step out of line.

Which was ridiculous in my opinion. You should never fear your mate, but she did. And while Honey did like her dresses and jewels she wasn't as dressed up. Her stunning nature was in her looks and the confidence that she radiated from within.

The other queen. Her nature was in her clothes. She wore very. . shiny and eye-catching clothes since her monochrome nature didn't attract eyes. While Honey's looks and dominance demanded attention her being dressed up and primed to her mate's like was what got her attention. She had her head down and didn't speak.

They had no daughters, only sons. Each cockier than the other. With an ego just as big as their fathers. North avoided eye contact with them not wanting to start anything. No doubt from a talk with Honey and Myr. North was very polite yet regal. She held herself high yet was kind.

And of course there was me. Witchy old me. None of them knew what to do with me at the end of the table. They were no doubt use to girls bending to their will and submitting. Maybe it was a bear thing for a female to hold respect for a male.

I mean Quinn sure as hell thought he'd get instant respect from me. Man was he wrong. "Honey, Myr it's been awhile and I see you found your son safe and sound." He said. "What I'd do to my sons if they went off skipping around like rebellious teenagers." He said.

"Quinn was safe Orsen. And our methods are very different for a reason." Honey said and Orsen nodded as he watched Quinn. "Well now that we're here, let's eat." Orsen proposed as food was served.

1649. Trust me you'll hate Orsen. * * *

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