|Chp. 24: Shoulder To Lean On|

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Quinn's 'lessons' weren't just to keep my mind off things, but his as well. However he never actually hit me hard with the spear. Of course I had no desire for the overly large spear in my hand. I just played to it.

And when he was close dropped it and held the dagger to his throat securing me the win as it put him in the death position. After ten times he stopped getting close to me upon realizing what I was doing. The dagger was my friend and made it easy to win.

Until Quinn began actually tossing the spear at me. I'm not sure why I forget that Quinn threw his spear quite well aa well as far. Or when he got rid of the spear and took out axes or swords. He didn't find it funny upon realizing I kept an arrow on me.

When cornered I knew how to lash out and survive. One of his lessons I waited for him to get close before dropping the sword and going at him with the dagger. So in response he twisted my wrist and made me drop the dagger and in his eyes leaving me unarmed.

Eden and Lupa had watched with such interest waiting for the victor to emerge as they liked to taunt and brag afterwards. I had an arrow on me that day and had no problem going at him with that arrow until he was down and I was the victor.

Lupa boosted about it the entire time her tail curled up. She taunted Eden, and purposely looped around him going as far to kick snow at him. And then run like hell when Eden had enough and came chasing after her all while Blizzard's wolf Snow watched with interest.

Lupa ran like hell ears back as she jumped over the wall in her way scaling it. Her nails digging in as she pushed herself over and ran while Eden had to go around. She was a skillful wolf and that was for sure. I loved seeing her in action to be honest.

Eden eventually gave up the chase and went back to Quinn. "I don't know why you chase her Eden, you never catch her." Quinn told Eden who simply rolled his eyes. 'One day she won't be fast enough when I go after her.' Eden said.

Today, Quinn was going discuss something with his mom which ended with me wondering the castle AKA getting lost. The castle made of ice was huge. Quite big. And it didn't take me long to get lost and wonder the halls not sure where to go next to get back to Quinn.


The excited voice of North cut through and I looked over at her. She was coming over to me with a big smile on her face. She held her dress in her hands to make sure she didn't trip on it by accident with how fast she moved.

She was in a long form fitting blue dress with a white fur covering her shoulders along with her haired braided and having little flowers woven in it. I nodded at her as Lupa bended her body around my legs and turned over staring at North in interest as she smiled at me.

"Are you lost?" North asked. I nodded. "It's very big here. I understand you getting lost. Quinn said you grew up in the wild always on the move. Must be strange not having to bounce a lot to prevent being found." North said and I nodded at that. It was strange. . . but oddly nice.

I doubt any city animals were brave enough to attack this kingdom full of polar bears. "Where were you hoping to go?" North asked. "Anywhere with food, Lupa and I are hungry." I told her and North nodded as she led me down the hallways her boots clicking against the beautiful wooden floors.

"I hear Quinn is teaching you how to fight." North said. "More of a refresher, he forgets that I know to fight." I said. "He's skilled like Thaddeus." North said. "You seem close with Thaddeus." I said and North smiled at me and nodded at that.

"We're only about 14 moons apart in age. Mom had me right after him. I grew up with him. Quinn came after. And way later came Blizzard. Mom suspects he might be one of the abandoned pups of the pack that lives in the woods." North said and I tilted my head at that.

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