|Chp. 34: The Truth and The Ending|

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My leg wasn't broken just happened to be a bit in a mess which wasn't the best thing. But after being wrapped Lupa and I were good to go. Just some bed rest for two days. Erick and the rest were given rooms to stay in.

Quinn wasn't as bad except for tons of bruises and of course cuts. Once more I was in bed with my leg on a pillow as Lupa slept. Quinn came in with a smile holding some water as well as a small snack which consisted of fruit and this weird whipped frozen treat that I liked.

They called it cream of coldness. It was good though. But took awhile to make therefore it only being available the royals or a high price to the rest. And since Quinn was a prince he got it for me as he handed it to me once more.

"Thanks." I said and he nodded before picking up my leg and unwrapped it. "Doesn't look too bad." Quinn responded. "Is everything going to be good between the two?" I asked. "Yes the elder said no rules were broken since your a wolf and didn't take an oath," Quinn started.

"And since Orsen initiated the challenge he had welcomed death at that point. But that was risky Silver, please don't ever do that again." Quinn said. "Don't get into positions where you could die again." I responded as there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Quinn said.

Thaddeus came in. Quinn wrapped my leg up as I pushed myself up. Thaddeus sucked in breath watching me as I raised an eyebrow at him. "Something you need Thaddeus?" Quinn asked. "Came to check on you. The chef said you request the cold creams." Thaddeus responded staring at the dessert in my hands.

"Yes, for Silver." Quinn responded and Thaddeus nodded. "They have retreated back to their kingdoms. Now a new king will be elected from Orsen's sons. They obviously didn't think through putting their king in a death match." Thaddeus responded and Quinn nodded at that.

"A mistake on their end." Quinn commented. "Silver I've been meaning to ask you what are all those others cuts from. From what I've been told he only ever got your leg and you have all sorts of cuts on you." Quinn noted staring at me as I went silent in an attempt to think of an excuse.

"There covering your stomach, some on your legs and arms and some on your neck. And some of Lupa's fur is missing as well in certain places. Care to explain how that happened?" Quinn asked as Thaddeus smirked just a bit upon realizing I might have to explain what happened.

"Well. . . you see," I started. Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Those howls weren't happy howls." I said. Quinn nodded. "And?" Quinn asked. "Um. . . they were battle howls and challenge howls." His eyes narrowed at me upon realizing where this was going as Lupa woke up to watch.

"I might of threatened the alpha last time. And I guess he was calling bluff on my threat and he ah, challenged me. And you know . . . I might of accepted the challenge and gone into their territory." I responded and Quinn shook his head at me.

"I thought we agreed for you to stay away from them?" Quinn asked. "I mean, I didn't promise without fingers crossed, duh. I'm not a coward, I wasn't back down from that bastard's challenge and he sure the hell regretted it when I was done with him." I responded with a bit of a smirk on my face as Thaddeus looked at me. "What do you mean by that?" Thaddeus asked.

"Well you see, he has more scars now. Um. . . he gave his neck to me in submission, I mean I made him do it, but he submitted to me." I responded.

Thaddeus watched me. "What kind of scars?" Thaddeus asked. "Scars that remind him there is a bigger and stronger wolf on the horizon and to watch his step. And that Karma bites hard." I responded the irony being that was my mother's name as well. I got her vengeance on them.

Thaddeus nodded at that. "Your a reckless wolf. Taking on the alpha of the pack and then trying to take on a king of a polar bear kingdom. Most would be dead if they were you, but you are just stubborn and stare death in the face." Thaddeus responded.

"There is only one thing you say to death and it's not today." I responded and Thaddeus nodded at that as Quinn smiled just a bit to me. Thaddeus blew strands of white hair from my face. "That may be true, but you should remember your words." Thaddeus said.

I tilted my head. "There is always a bigger and stronger wolf on the horizon you should pray that when you meet them that it won't be in violence." Thaddeus responded as I watched him. I watched him as Thaddeus raised an eyebrow watching me waiting for a response and I gave him one of course.

"I'm aware that there is someone stronger than me out there, but I have no desire to go actively seeking them." I responded and Thaddeus smiled. "I'm sure you don't." Thaddeus responded as Quinn stretched a bit. I took a bite of the cold cream enjoying the cold sweetness.

"I'm going to go run a bath to go get cleaned. Don't kill each other while I'm gone." Quinn said standing up as he grabbed some clothes and shut the door to his very large royal bathroom once more as Thaddeus's gaze landed on me once more and I watched him.

"So you took on the alpha." Thaddeus noted and I nodded at that once more as he watched me. "I'm curious on why though. I don't think I'm a good enough reason. You don't seem to like me that much." Thaddeus responded. "Can you blame me?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I do apologize for that." Thaddeus responded. "My reasons were personal before I was even born. He paid for what he has done and will be wise to think not to do it again unless he desires to be put in place once more." I responded and Thaddeus watched me.

"Unless he wants to die." Thaddeus noted and I nodded at that. Unless he wants his blood to run cold as it stains the snow. "Their territory is a nightmare, hell on earth. Dark, they even have a ring of fire made by torches for challenges." I responded and he nodded.

"And carcasses everywhere, fresh and old." I responded. "Now you've seen the ugly side that a wolf can carry. All of us have an ugly side, we all have our own inner wolf in a way. Yin & Yang, the one you feed is the one who wins." He responded as I watched him.

"I hope you don't ever feed the dark side of you. To the point you can take out an innocent cub's life and scar another one's face just for the fun and joy of it." Thaddeus responded. "I'm a lot of things, but not cruel and savage." I responded.

He smiled. "Good because I promise you Silver, the moment you ever end up like him will be the day I won't hesitate to end you. Wolves can be good and wolves can be bad. But I hope you choose a good path. Quinn likes you." Thaddeus responded.

I watched him. "And you are obviously very loyal, I can see why he likes you. But I promise you if you ever become like that I'll end it for you before you get that far." Thaddeus responded. "I promise you I won't ever get that far." I responded and he nodded at that.

Quinn came out after dry and in a new set of clothes as he smiled. "Well is that all?" Quinn asked Thaddeus and he nodded at that. "Yes just came to check up on you two and see how everything was going." Thaddeus said with a bit of a smile on his face.

Despite his words I wasn't scared. I would never be that alpha. Ever. "Ok, well see you at dinner Thaddeus." Quinn said with a smile and Thaddeus nodded as he turned around to leave as a rushed and panicked knock hit against the door making all three of us jump.

Lupa did too letting out a bit of a bark and growl in shock. She stopped as Thaddeus opened the door revealing a panting servant. "What's wrong?" Thaddeus asked as she gathered herself once more staring into Thaddeus's eyes and I watched unsure of what to think.

She was young and was sweating as well her white hair sticking to her face as she panted. Something was obviously wrong since she had no doubt run all the way here in a rush and it brought the curiosity on why she had run here when she could of walked as Thaddeus stared her down.

"Speak girl." Thaddeus said. "Your mother is requesting all of your presences, it's a dire emergency." She gasped out. "Is the kingdom threatening war?" Thaddeus asked his eyes a bit livid and she shook her head. Why did she look so frightening then as if she saw a ghost.

"No the last search party came back. . . only one was alive."

And so we rushed out.

1563. This book ends open for bk. 3 trust me you'll want to stick around to find out! * * *

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