|Chp. 22: Survival Instincts|

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I found Quinn before he found me. I knew he would not be happy as I trotted over to where him and Eden were looking for me. The adrenaline was still pumping from the encounter with the alpha of the pack of wolves.

They were evil wolves. But it became personal upon realizing they exiled my mother and intended to hunt her down and kill her. But my mom's smart skills kept her alive, but there was still that possibility they could of killed her. . . and me since she was carrying me at the time.

The anger towards what would be happening for Quinn seemed dull towards the hatred towards those wolves. I knew Quinn would have to fight or North would have to marry. It would of been my main focus on convincing Quinn not to fight considering the high chances of him dying.

He had been a main focus of mine and always had been. He was my best friend and helped maintain sanity apparently. Lone wolves slowly became feral wolves with the lack of companionship which led to small pairs of wolves traveling with each other, or feral wolves apparently.

My mother never taught me about feral wolves. But one of her biggest lessons was to never travel alone. I was always a bit confused since I had her and of course Lupa. But I guess sometimes being alone drove you feral. So I had Quinn to thank for my sanity no doubt.

But him and Eden were searching around when I came trotting through the snow. "Silver!" He had shouted it before storming over. My anger didn't let me separate from Lupa just yet. Instead he got down on my level and hugged me. His grip was tight as Eden watched me.

"You idiot." Was all Quinn muttered. Idiot? "Going after them, are you insane?" Quinn asked letting go of me and I pinned an ear back. Lupa was capable of communicating with us, as was Eden and every spirit animal out here. This was Lupa's form just a bit larger.

And those wolves and I could talk. Maybe I could talk to Quinn. 'I merely threatened them.' Quinn showed no sign of hearing me and I pinned my ears back. Of course it would be a freaky thing between wolves, or I just didn't know how to use my voice unless pissed off.

Quinn sat with me with me as I sat with him slowly cooling off. I looked over at him as Eden walked around. Finally I was cooled down enough to hear Lupa's thoughts. And not the pounding ones of mine. Meaning I was steps closer to entering my form.

Quinn looked at me. "I understand why you did it." Quinn said looking at me. "I heard my parents talking about it. About a female wolf named Karma, that's your mom's name right?" Quinn asked and I simply nodded. "I'd be angry as well if I was you." Quinn said biting his lip as he looked off in the distance.

"But you have to promise me you won't take off like that again. You mean a lot to me Silver. And if they killed you, I might just have to start a war with them over you." Quinn said looking at me.

He wasn't joking. I thought maybe from the light tone of his voice he might be joking. But the look in his eyes spoke the truth. If they killed me, he would kill them or die trying. I leaned forward and set my head in his lap not sure what else to do.

It was what Lupa did when I was upset. She typically either licked me, set her head on me, or climbed her huge body on top of me. Quinn set his hand in my thick fur. "I always knew that alpha was a bad person." Quinn said as I watched him through Lupa's eyes.

"But I didn't know he exiled your mom and was hunting her. I didn't even know we were so close to each other at such a young age, well were going to be. But I know that's not your pack. You never had a pack, it was just you and your mom." Quinn said.

"And then us." Quinn said and I watched him. Quinn talking to me calmed me down. "I understand why you'd want to end him. I'd end him to if given the chance for what he did to my brother. But yours is personal as well." Quinn said.

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