|Chp. 10: Claws & Fur|

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The night was peaceful to my surprise. And Quinn got Lupa into her own little place with Eden to sleep in. Which was sweet of him like usual. Quinn was shirtless as he laid in bed reading a book while I laid in my nightgown.

I was looking at the pictures of the wolves. "Quinn." I said. "Yes Silver." Quinn answered. "What does this say?" I asked pointing at a page and Quinn rolled over. His brown eyes looked at the page with laziness in them as he tilted his head to the side a bit.

"Species of wolves, gray wolves, timber wolves, red wolves, arctic wolves." Quinn said. "What's an artic wolf?" I asked Quinn. "A smaller white wolf. They live where it's cold and snowy." Quinn said. "Are they around here?" I asked Quinn who shook his head at that.

"The wolves around here are gray wolves, there's no artic wolves around here, you'd have to go more north towards the northern tundra, I've been told they like it there." Quinn said and I nodded at that before closing the book as Quinn watched me silently as I covered myself with his blankets.

"Goodnight Silver." Quinn said taking off his shirt revealing his muscled chest before he turned over and fell back onto his pillows peacefully. All I could do was smile back at Quinn as he drifted off to sleep. "Goodnight Quinn." I said before laying back and letting sleep take me.


Like usual I awoke before Quinn and dressed myself. In fleece leggings and a shirt of cotton as well as my sheepskin jacket and leather boots. Once I was dressed I combed my hair out knowing if I didn't Quinn was going to try to and I was not dealing with that again.

So I combed my hair myself before waiting for Quinn to wake up. He took a bit but then he was up half asleep and getting dressed. He put on one of those silk shirts his mother had provided him with, but took his grey cloak and cinched it together.

"Your awake sleepy head." I joked with Quinn who rolled his eyes. "I'm hungry, lets go get some breakfast." Quinn said and I followed him to the kitchen. His brown eyes lit up upon seeing all the fruit pastries in the kitchen. Getting a plate he was quick to stack it up.

From the strawberry filled rolls, down to the cherry bread with cream cheese. I simply got some sort of strawberry bread as it wasn't that revolting. Sure the berries weren't disgusting but it was bred into me to favor meat. Quinn took a seat and I followed him before taking a bite of my bread.

It was a strawberry filled bread with a cream cheese topping and two strawberries on the top. Quinn had tons of breakfast pastries that he ate along with this boiled white substance that he drank quickly and got seconds as I drank my water.

I always knew Quinn had an appetite, but it came to knowledge that he had been holding his appetite back for me. And now he was eating like he was feeding an army. And he looked more muscular than before as well as thicker, but in a good way obviously.

Quinn brushed some hair from his face as he wiped some jam from his face and then licked that off. "You sure that's all you want?" Quinn asked looking at the two slices of fruit bread on my plate. "I'm not that hungry." I said which was both true yet false at the same time.

I had been ravenous in hunger when we first came, but it was quick to dull at the sight of all the fruit pastries. "You sure?" Quinn asked. "Yes I'm sure Quinn, don't worry about me." I said and Quinn reluctantly nodded at that as he stood up and stretched.

And with that another servant got him more of the boiled white stuff. They waited hand on foot for him and got him whatever he wanted. Soon Quinn was finished up as I finished the water and the last slice of bread as Quinn gathered the plates and dumped them off before coming back over.

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