chapter 3: past is the opposite of present

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The week flew by and before i knew what was happening a new week began. The air around the diner is so tense i could cut the tension with a knife.

Today is Tuesday, just one more day before the new boss comes. Every one in here is anxious and nervous. My boss threatened to fire five people already and its not even tomorrow yet. I just wish everyone here will calm down and act like nothing big is happening soon.

I mean he's only human or wait. What if he's an alien? What if he's hideous? What if...? Oh! Come on Julie! Stop being ridiculous and stop arguing in your head.

"Girl, am about to drop and its not even the end of my shift yet" Vero said. Our boss is working us more than normal.

"I know how you feel, all of my limb is aching. I can't wait to get this over with" Diana said

Diana is part of the people i work with. We are not really close but we ain't enemies either. She's nice. Like really nice, i don't think have seen anyone as nice as she is.

"what's the deal with this guy. He's not here yet but i already feel like he's going to make our work life hell. I mean look at the pace we've been working. Not that am complaining but i cant wait for us to get done with the inspection" i said

"Get back to work and stop gossiping!" I groan while Diana stick to rolling her eyes - here we go again.

"Its my break, you both go ahead and keep working" Vero said with a smirk.

"Arrgh! I hate you so much" i said. Sticking my tongue out at her.

"Very mature ju"

"What can i say? Am still a kid at heart.


After snoozing my alarm for the third time, i decided to get out of bed. Yawning and stretching my body. I was about going to the bathroom to brush my teeth when i remember what day it was. Oh God! Its the day everyone is dreading. The day the unknown devil is coming to check on us his loyal servant. Today was supposed to be my off day. But since he's coming today i have to go in.

My phone ringing jarred me from my thinking. Wait, that rhymes! Don't mind me, am been silly again.

" hello" i picked without checking the id of the person calling.

"Where the hell are you!?" I heard the low whispered voice of my boss.

Oh shit! What now? "Erm, am home sir"


" yes sir"

" do you know what time it is?"

"Around 8am?"

"8am?, are you joking?"

"Its 11am, and if you don't get your ass over to work now, consider your self fired!" He said before ending the call.

"Oh no! Am so dead"

I took a five minutes shower. That's if its up to five minutes more like seconds. I forgot to change my alarm when i got home last night. Since the day was normally my off day, i totally forgot.

I rushed through the process of finding something suitable to wear. After pulling almost all my clothe from the hanger, i settled for a grey penciled skirt and a while top. I quickly put my hair in a bun after putting the clothes on.

I rushed out of my building to work. Praying to God not to let traffic delay me.

Today is my lucky day, road was clear. And i got to work in record time. I rushed into the diner to see everyone at work running up and down. God! I can't wait for this day to be over!

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