chapter 6: conversations with the family

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Tyler's POV

I have a daughter!

I have a daughter! God! Am so heartbroken right now. I cant believe this....

How could i have not known it? She could have stayed when i asked her to leave, but she left. She fucking left! Not because she was guilty,  but because she wanted to protect our child.

I have a daughter....when i saw her eyes peering back at me from her mother's behind..i lost all train of thought. All i could do was stare.  It hit me so hard to see a carbon copy of me staring back at me..I felt a new kind of pain grip my heart when she didn't even say a word to me. She just stared back at me. She doesn't know me as her dad.

I lost four years with her that i could never regain,  and even more years with my wife...

Yes! You heard right. She's still my wife...Jules, i knew getting her to talk to me wouldn't be easy..she was the reason i bought the diner. That way she will be obligated to speak to me..

Call me selfish, but i couldn't submit the divorce papers. I couldn't....i loved her too much to do it.

Something wet dropped on my face. I raised my hand to my face to get it off, only to realise the wet thing is tears... I never never...its rare for me to cry...

I was so surprised by the tears that i stood up from the bed to walk across the room to the bathroom. I needed to see this.

I saw my self in the mirror with tear stained face.

The last time i cried was when my wife left. I came home to an empty house and my heart couldn't hold the pain in. I thought she was going to call my bluff and stay. She didn't, she left. She didn't take a thing with her. When i saw her wedding bands, I broke down in tears. That was the last time...

I remember what i came across few months ago, and my feelings were replaced by anger. Pure red hot anger...(the tears stopped coming by now) i vowed to get my revenge.... i will destroy everything they hold dear and make them feel the pain i felt when they tore my world apart....I was about to wash my face when i heard my phone ringing in the room.

I rushed out to see my mum was on the line. I thought it was my P.A calling...


"How are you dear? Did you find her?" My mother asked in an excited voice..

what happened between my wife and I nearly tore our family apart. They all told me my wife was innocent. I stopped talking to them for a while, how could they have picked her over me? I was their blood....

But my coldness didn't stop them from finding evidence to prove her innocence. It didn't stop them from talking to me,  it didn't stop them from been there for me. I owe them so much.....

Now i just feel stupid and used. But am going to make it up to her and our child. Now i know better,  i should have trusted her enough. I shouldn't have been rash in my decision. But i was blinded by rage,  anger and jealousy. Those things destroyed me. And it wont happen again.

"I did mum"

"Yes!" She was then i heard the underground voices of my family. All excited to hear the news about Jules.. I should have known they all will be there..

"Mum, mum? Everyone please calm down" it took a while,  but they did.."i have a very important news to share"

"Is it Jules? Is everything OK?" Now she's getting panicky...

"Mum, calm down...Jules is fine. But it might be difficult to get her back home. You know how stubborn and strong head she is. She's not going to make it easy for me mum"

"Good. I didn't expect her to make it easy for you....But listen to me son, whatever you have to do, do it, just bring my daughter in- law home" i sighed...i knew she was going to be over the moon...

"I will mum. I promise. Is dad there?"

"Yes,  he is"


"Yes son?"

"I need to talk to you privately, there's a new development. Do you think you can call me when everyone is gone?"

"Okay son. Will call you from my study."

"Thanks dad, take care mum"

"Bye son..take care"

We disconnected the call.

I dropped the phone on the bed.
Now,  how do i convince her to come back home with me? She's going to fight me on this. But she's got no choice.

My phone rang again, this time i knew it was my dad.


"Talk to me"

"Dad, promise me you wont tell mum what am about to say to you. Its important"

"I promise son...what is the new development.

"She has a daughter dad. Our daughter."

My dad was silent on the phone. Too silent. And if my dad is silent,  its not good.. I am thirty two years old and am still scared of his silence.

"Dad?please say something."

"I have a grandchild somewhere, and you are finding it difficult to bring her home?" He spoke in a surprisingly calm voice.

"Dad! She wouldn't even talk to me! I saw her by chance dad! Am already in deep pain already,  knowing i have a four year old plus daughter out there who doesn't know i am her father!" I was breathing hard by now...

"Calm down son. I get where you are coming from. What do you want to do now?"

"I don't know dad.."

"Whatever you have to do,  just do it. Hell,  kidnap her if that's what will make her come home. Just do something!"

That's it! I didn't know why i didn't think about that before..

"I got it dad..i know what i have to do"

"And what would that be?"

I relayed what i have to do to him. Am already getting excited. She wont have a choice but to bend to my will.

"That's a good plan son,  just be careful. You don't want her to hate you more that she does."

"I will dad...i have to go,  talk to you later"

"Later son"

Now,  i have some calls to make.


Am sorry for the delay in uploading this!

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