chapter 17: Moving on

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Tyler's POV

I feel so stupid.

I know what have done is unforgivable - my mum isn't talking to me, she's still giving me the cold shoulder. My siblings are probably planning my funeral, that's how much they hate me right now. Its only my dad that's on a speaking term with me...i know you probably thinking i deserve it, but i didn't know what to do.

I already made my decision, and that's not to do something stupid in the future. I want to start over,  with a clean state. I don't want it to seem like am taking Jule's forgiveness for granted, that's why i promise myself to always be truthful and open towards her now.

I don't ever want a repeat of what happened to occur again.

"Mummy, are we gonna go live with daddy now?" Taylor asked innocently...We are still in the hospital, Jules is meant to be discharged today. We are preparing her stuffs so we could check her out.

I picked her up from the bed and wait patiently for my wife to decide. Am curious to hear from her. If she wants to stay, fine with me, i just have to designate my office to my lil brother , and i will stay here with her and Taylor. But nothing will make me more happy than to hear her say those magic words.

"Errm...i don't know honey. Your sad and i still have a lot to talk about. But you will definitely know my decision soon baby" i saw the expression on my daughter's face fall. Am sad too, but i didn't let it show, i already promised her to follow her lead.

"Its okay baby, don't be matter what mum decides, i will be with you, okay? Am not leaving you again, we are going to be a proper family." I told her, kissing her forehead. She gave me nod. I know what i told her relieved her and am glad...don't wanna see my princess sad.

I looked towards Jules on the bed, she has a look on her face that i cant quite decipher, its caught between a grimace and a frown. I quickly put Taylor down and asked her to stay put while i check on Jules "Are you in pain? You don't look too good. Do you need me to call a doctor? Do you need water, do you want me to..."

And then the most beautiful sound interrupted my ramblings,  she laughed..not a light laugh, a deep laugh that i cant quite grasp the last time i heard it. I looked at her in wonder as she struggles to bring her laughter down. No no please don't! I begged mentally,  Keep laughing please. I remember the times when it was the laughter that kept me going. I remember whenever am sad, she just needed to give me a smile and my mood will he lifted, how much mire her laugh.

I was staring at her and i didn't notice i was moving closer until my daughter snapped me out of my trance "Dad are gonna kiss mummy?" I looked at Jules face and i found her staring back at my face. I could see the desire in her eyes, i know i cant rush her, but i cant wait to taste her again. Its been too long.

"No baby, we wont" i answered when it doesn't feel like my wife is snapping out of her daze look any time soon "baby please go call on grandma, tell her we need to get going"

"Ok daddy" with that, she bounded out of the room.

"Are you okay Jules?" I asked again cos to be frank am already getting sacred of her staring right at me without saying anything.

She snapped her gaze away from mine, but not before i saw the blush staining her check.

"Yes am fine Tyler, am just glad to see you adjusting well to Taylor"

"Come on Jules, you know how much i love children. I know have not said this to you but, thank you Jules. Thank you for keeping her, i know how it is for a single parent, but you did it love, she turned out good and am proud to call her mine. You are a good mother, the best so far. Am not flattering you Jules, am only saying the truth. You did what most women out there wouldn't are my own wonder woman,  my superwoman. I know we promise to take things slow, and i will, but i just want to promise you something Jules, and that's to always have your back. I will never allow negativity in our relationship. Its me, you, and Taylor against the world baby" i told her with all sincerity in my heart. I meant every word i said, and am going to fulfil it, no matter how hard it is.

I saw tears running down her face and i gathered her in my arms to comfort her."shhh... Baby, please calm down"

"Did.. mean it?"

"Of course i do baby..i mean it with my whole being. Am not leaving you again, you have to deal with me now"

She nod her head against my chest as i continue to soothe her. Jules is a strong woman, and seeing her tears make me realise how much load she's putting on herself. she deserved so much from me and more, and i will give her the world, she only have to ask.

She raised her head from my chest to say something "i have made my decision and i think...."

Bam! We both turned to the slammed door. "Hows my favourite girl doing?" asked an unnamed man, he's grinning at Jules like she's his entire world. I don't know him and i don't think Jules does too cos she's staring at the man with wide eyes..i stood up to ask him to leave when i hear Jules say something.

"Phillip? O.M.G! Phillip! Hey!"

I was surprised, she knows this guy? And wait, why is she smiling so big at him! The guy didn't waste time, he crossed towards her and engulfed her in a hug.

"Hello sweet cakes, missed me?" He asked with a smug smile.

She punched hum playfully while still smiling from ear to ear.

"Course i do Philson, come here" she pulled him into another hug,  they seemed to have forgotten me and that's when i cleared my throat.
They both snapped their gazes towards me, I looked at Jules for an explanation. But she didn't stem to get me, so i ask the question directly.

"Who is he?" My voice has an edge to it, i know its because of her familiarity with the guy, she smiled at me yes, but not that big. Am not going to deny it, am jealous as f**k! Who is this guy!

"Why, am her boyfriend" he answered, smirking at her.


He he he he!

I know, am a little bit evil!!

Its short, but please do manage and enjoy!

Catch you next time on Tyler and Jules's story.


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