chapter 18: Too much testosterone🙄

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Jule's POV

"What!?" Tyler shouted, his eyes bugging out.

I rolled my eyes mentally. Yea right! He's so dumb sometimes. I didn't bother to correct him cos I already can see the wheels turning in his head. I will still tell him the truth,but right now I couldn't be bothered.

I turned to Phillip and looked at him, he has changed, not in the bad way, in a good way. He's looking more handsome and fit than ever, and lemme tell you, he's the only handsome black guy that i know, not that I don't know a lot, but he's just too cute, that's why the award is going to him. I bet if Grey hears this,he's gonna tear me a new one.

Grey and Phil are twins,they are from Nigeria. They recently travelled home, for their sister's wedding. I would have gone, but we all know how tight money is.

That reminds me, where is Grey. Phil and Tyler are still staring daggers at each other. Phil is pretty smart, he would have added one plus one together and concluded about Tyler's identity.

I was about to ask them to cut it out when the door opened for a second time. And in walked the man of the hour, with my baby on his hips.

"Mum! Look who I found!" My daughter exclaimed in excitement! I know how she feels, cos I feel the same way too. We both miss the crazy twins. I smiled at the pair, Grey and Taylor are practically joined by the hip, whenever they are around, I always have less work to do, cos they take care of my baby like I would, she even told me he's her best friend after she made me promise not to tell Tonia.

"Hey Yemi!" Grey called out to me. Both of them are from the "Yoruba" clan of Nigeria. Don't be surprised,they both gave me a Nigerian name - that's why he called me "Yemi".

I opened my arms toward him for a hug, he envelop me in his arms and I sigh, content within myself. He has this aura about him, he's a peaceful person, gentle and loving, unlike Phil. He is all that too but add a little bit of mischief and trouble - then you have Philip.

" missed you so much big guy!" He chuckled and held me closer, careful of my injured leg.

"I miss you more pumpkin" the clearing of throat brought us apart, but not without him giving me a kiss on my forehead.

I looked up to see Tyler watching, he's angry I can tell but he's keeping himself in check. I know I need to Introduce the twins to him but I need him to stew more...what can I say? Am daring.

"When I told you to break a leg, I didn't really mean it in the literal sense" Phil dragged me close to his side and pecked my temple.

I chuckled, "I know Phil" Phil is very competitive, when his brother kissed my forehead, I know he wouldn't let it go without him doing his own. I know better than to call him out on him.

The atmosphere in the room is kinda awkward, even Taylor is aware cos she's not speaking.

"Who are you guys!?" Tyler asked, barely controlling his anger. I know he already murdered both guys in his mind, hid their body and burnt it. He's got an overactive imagination.

"I told you am her...." I didn't let Phil finish, I cut him off. There's no point in riling Tyler up, have already spent enough time in this hospital, am not about to stay extra hours cos of some immature games.

"This is Grey and Phil" I said, pointing to them each as I say their name "they are my friends, be nice to them"

"Guys, this is Tyler, yes, he found me, and yes he's the reason am on this bed. So if you wanna break his bones, please do, but not where I am...thanks guys!" I finished with a satisfied smile on my face. Both have been begging me to allow them roughen him up whenever they see him.

"Mummy? Why do they want to break daddy's bone? Won't he be hurt?" My beautiful baby ask innocently, she's looking so damn cute and innocent in her baby pink dress.

My eyes widen a bit, have forgotten she's in the room "No honey, they just wanna play games, not break bones baby!" I finished in a rush.

"Can we leave yet? Am getting suffocated with all the testosterone here. Am ready to check out"

Tyler pushed between Phil and I, he grabbed my arm and helped me to stand up. He whispered in my ears " when we get home, you gonna explain who these guys are..and what does he mean he's your boyfriend?"

Phil is busy glaring daggers at him while Grey is watching Tyler like a hawk, like he's waiting for him to just make the wrong move.

"Just take me home, I will tell you all you need to know, how about that? Just get me away from this place."

"Fine, but you have a lot to say" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I will tell you whatever I wanna tell you, which is not a lot Tyler.. Be glad I even wanna talk about it" I snubbed him and ask Grey to aid me out. I don't know why am getting mad at him, maybe it's the painkillers, I dunno.

Lucky for him, he learnt to shut his mouth and didn't argue with me. A nurse entered with a wheel chair, I shake my head at her "am not getting on that thing. I can walk perfectly by myself, and if I couldn't, I have people to help me. So please, take it back"

She was about to argue when  Tyler thanked her and asked her to leave it. I looked at him and gave him my mummy look, the one that shuts Taylor up once. He's shrugged and just told me plainly "that look is not going to work on me, you are getting on that chair, if I have to carry you. The doctor clearly told you not to put pressure on you are going to sit your ass down that chair, and I will roll you out to the car and you won't say a thing about it" i shut my trap after that, he helped me to the chair and was about to start pushing me, when Taylor voiced out "can I push you mummy? Pretty please?" She gave me that pretty eyes, that eyes that I can't resist, I was about to answer when Tyler told her yes! She could, with his help thou.

"Yay! Thank you daddy! I love you so much!" She happily hugged his leg and all of us chuckled and awwed over her behavior.

I sigh, I always wanted my daughter to be happy. And am glad she's happy. I realise now that I made the wrong move by keeping her away from her dad. But given the circumstance, I would do it again. Sue me.

Now, the only thing that can dampen my mood is the 'talk' I have with Tyler, which I can say am not looking forward to.


Happy Thanksgiving in arrears guys!



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