chapter 4: painful flashback

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I was furious.
All i see is red. what is he doing here? After kicking me out of his life years ago, he thinks its okay to come back? Hell no!

I clenched my fists tight, my fingernails were digging into my flesh. I take a deep breath and counted backwards but i still couldn't concentrate. All i keep hearing is his voice,  how it broke me beyond repair, how that voice destroyed me.........


That day was our one year anniversary. The day that turned my world upside down. October 5th. The day my perfect life became imperfect.

Our story was a fairytale. Bloggers had a blast with it. The most eligible bachelor in their city found love. Of course they went crazy. For the first two months i was attacked with camera flashes,  jealous girls that thought they had a chance with him, ex girlfriends that thought i was a nobody. And they were right. My dad didn't make millions when he was alive, but he took care of mum and i. He loved us unconditionally.

Some days,  i don't go out at all, anywhere i go, my picture was always staring at me from every angle. I couldn't read magazines without seeing my face plastered on it. I couldn't even watch the TV without wanting to break the electronic to pieces. I knew it wasn't the TV's fault but i was so frustrated.

There wasn't a name in the book that they didn't call me. But i ignored all those for him, for us. He was always there with me. He would always get us away from the city's craziness whenever he had the chance.

"Can you stop spacing out on me?" I jarred at the voice. God Tonia is so annoying. She's here to help me prepare for the surprise i have for my husband.

"I know he's giving it to you good, but you don't have to have that look on your face Evey time.

" shut up Tonia! You are so mean!and for your info, i wasn't thinking about that"

"Yea,  yea,  whatever you say" she laughs. She always takes joy in my embarrassment. "Now you can check yourself out in the mirror"

I stood up to do just that and what i saw made my jaw drop. "This is me!?"

"Yes bitch!, its you. Am a guru and you know it. Don't worry,  wait till your husband see you,  we will have to pick his jaw on the ground for him. And i bet he would want to bang you right on the spot" she winked at me.

I blushed and hugged her,"thank you so much Bestie, you rock..... I look and feel like a million dollar wife."

"I know, that's exactly who you are. And you are welcome." she said hugging me back.

I picked up my phone and when i saw the time,  i screamed. "Tonia,  its six!, quickly,  get the people ready,  he will be home any minute from now"

"Okay babe,  and make sure you don't smear your makeup"

"Yes mom, now shoo!"

After she left,  i dialed Tyler's number. It rang,  but he wasn't picking up. Maybe he's close by,  i thought. I dialled again and again, the only result i got was silence.

Then i heard the slam of a door downstairs. I heard his voice asking someone where i was. I started to smile when i realised he was talking in a calm but loud voice. (Let me tell you,  you don't want Tyler to use his calm voice on you). I know he's minutes away from bursting,  when he's like this,  he always turn to me to take care of him.

I practically skipped down the stairs so i could get to him. When i saw him,  he was looking bad, angry,  pissed, and all kinds of emotions were displayed on  his face. "Baby..." i called out, i was close to him, but not enough for him to see me. He swung his gaze to my direction  all i saw was hatred and all kinds of emotions directed at me.

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