part 1

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“What about this one?” Lucy picked up another dress and held it against her body in the store mirror. She swayed from side to side and took a good look at herself like always.

“Why don’t you try it on? The changing room is right over there” I pointed behind her and rolled my eyes as she skipped into the changing room and locked her door. She was so full of herself. Every time we went shopping she’d try on every single piece of clothing that the store was selling. It was Saturday afternoon and I was shopping with one of my friends, Lucy. I had picked out two shirts and I was just waiting for her to pick something out so we could leave. I was already upset and Lucy was trying to make me happy by taking me shopping. It just made me even more upset since none of the clothes looked good on me. Today was the 28th, the day MAGCON came to my town, the day I was supposed to meet my sunshine but I had no money. I sat on a chair outside the changing room and played with my fingers and sighed.

“I’m buying the dresses! I’m just going to upstairs to look at the shoes. You can buy your stuff and meet me at Starbucks.” She walked up the stairs with the other 500 bags she had from other stores.

“Sure.” I said under my breath and paid for my stuff. I began walking towards to door but something hit me hard, someone’s chest. I fell on my bottom and dropped my bags as I looked up to see a guy standing above me.

“Oh no, I’m so sorry!” he grabbed my bags and put them on a stool and then reached out for my hand to help me up. I held his hand and I lifted my eyes to his face and there he was. Fuck! What the fuck?! OMFG! I thought in my head as my heart started racing. My sunshine stood in front of me and pulled me to my feet.

“Thanks, I- hi!” I managed to blurt out. I didn’t want him to think I was some psycho crazy fan who would attack him.

“Hey, you okay?” he quickly asked and looked behind him as if he was running away from someone.

“Yeah… are you?!” I quickly fixed my clothes and looked at him. What the fuck was he doing here?! I guessed he’d probably come to the mall to have lunch before the MAGCON event today.

“Now I am, I was getting chased!” he giggled and pulled his hood over his hair to hide who he is. I decided to pretend I didn’t know him.

“Chased?! By who?” I put on a worried expression. I didn’t want him to think I liked him already because he was famous so I decided to act as if I didn’t know who he was. It was hard, my hands were shaking and my heart was beating out of my chest.

“Fan- wait, do you know me?” he stopped mid-sentence and looked at me weird.

“No? But I do know that I need a new shirt” I looked at my top and it was wet from where he spilled his starbucks, I hadn’t even realised. I was so star struck to think about anything.

“Oh… i’m sorry. I can’t buy it right now but, I promise one for later?” he smiled and looked at my wet shirt.

“Well, you owe me …” I laughed and held shut my lips before I revealed his name, it would completely give away the fact that I knew him.

“Matthew” he reached out his hand to shake mine.

 “Celine” I smile and shake his hand as if I don’t stalk him on his twitter, Instagram and vine. ‘I know your full name already’ I say in my head and smile at myself.

“Here” he quickly writes his number on a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to me. “Text me later and we’ll do something about that shirt” he laughs.

“Thanks” I put the paper in my pocked. I GOT MATT ESPINOSA’S NUMBER FUCK OH MY GOD!!! I stay calm on the outside.

“That’s okay. I’ll see you… later” he looks behind me and checks that there are no fans that are going to find him. “Pretend you never saw me!” he smiles and jogs out of the store before I can say anything and I stand there in shock. What the hell just happened…

“Oh. My. God.” I whisper to myself and almost scream. I MET MY SUNSHINE. I MET HIM. I’VE GOT HIS NUMBER. WHAT THE HELL?! I quickly go into the changing room and change from my wet shirt into the ones I just bought.

“Well, that shirt is never getting washed again” I laugh at myself as I put my wet shirt in a bag and walk out the store. My smile is huge and I occasionally laugh at myself… it feels so unreal. I felt nothing but great. I didn’t need money to go to MAGCON and meet him. I had his freaking number now. I quickly sat down at Starbucks and typed his number into my phone and saved it just after I got my drink. I smiled again when I saw his name in my contacts and I received a notification from twitter : “@TheMattEspinosa : Guys, please don’t chase us! It’s really dangerous. We’ll see you at the event today!” I laugh and lock my phone.

“Why are you smiling to yourself like a weirdo?!” Lucy sits opposite me with her drink and bags.

“No reason…” I say and smile looking at my phone and take a sip of my drink.


if you read this tweet me at @espinosaddl and give me your opinion :)

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