part 12

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I tiptoe inside the house in my soaking wet clothes and jog upstairs to my room. I take a towel and get into the bathroom. I let the warm water of the shower relax my body and I smile at the fact that I'll be going on my first date with Matt soon. I know its just like a day out but I still like thinking about it as more than that. I wish we were something more... After I finish I change into comfortable pyjamas and wrap my hair in a towel and walk downstairs to see whats being cooked. I'm hungry.

"I didn't know you had friends here" Beatrice says as I walk into the kitchen.

"I met him in London but he lives here" I say as I stand beside her to watch her cook.

"That's good. Just don't go into the pool with your clothes next time, I don't want you getting ill already!" she laughs and prepares the table for us to eat and I help her out by placing the plates. I only place three because thats how many I am given.

"Robert won't eat with us very often, he is busy working in his office" Beatrice says. I pick up one of the plates to put it back since Robert won't be joining us it would only be me and Beatrice. 

"Oh no, leave that there. That's Ian's. I've already sent Roberts meal." she tells me and I place the plate back on the table. I realise how close ian is with them. Beatrice places the food on everyones plates and the two of us sit to begin eating but Ian isn't here yet.

"Where's Ian?" I ask. I feel two hands on my shoulders from behind and I turn to see who it is.

"Right here" he smiles and takes his place next to me. "Oh this is my favourite!" he says and begins eating his spaghetti. "Aunt Beatrice has a special recipe" he says and turns to face me. "You see, it may look ordinary but once you taste it, it's the best" he nods and carries on eating.

"You've got food dripping down your chin" I giggle and pass him a tissue.

"Can you get it for me?" he moves towards me. I nod and reach the tissue to his chin. I feel his eyes on me and I feel nervous. I wipe his chin and I see the tissue brush against his lips which he licks straight after. His lips don't look as kissable as Matt's. No one is like Matt. I put the tissue down and he thanks me and I eat my food. Beatrice and Ian chat over stuff and we all finish. I stand up to take my plate to the kitchen but Ian stands at the same time.

"I'll take that" he winks and takes the plate out of my hand and I nervously smile at him. He takes our plates to the kitchen and I sit back down.

"Ian is a great kid" Beatrice nods and looks at him then at me. "How about that kid who visited you today?" she asks.

"Matthew?" I smile at his name.

"Hmm, Matthew. Invite him over someday, I want to get to know who you are friends with" she says and I nod. I won't argue with that, it would be my pleasure to invite Matt over. That means more time with him.

"Ian is showing you around tomorrow right?" she stands from her seat.

"No, Matthew is actually" I get up too.

"Well, okay. I hope I can trust him" she begins to walk upstairs and I nod. Ian walks into the room. He stands tall and is wearing shorts and a tank which reveal his tanned arms. He isnt too muscley. His hair is messy which is light brown and match his eyes which sparkle. His smile is near to perfect, honestly. "Are you staring at me?" he says and I look up at him, he is slightly taller. His question reminds me of Matt, I remember when he asked me the same thing and I smile.

"Celine are you there?" Ian walks towards me and I jump out of my thoughts and he giggles. "Welcome back to earth"

"Sorry I was just thinking about stuff" I said. Stuff was Matt. As always he wasn't out of my mind for even a split second. I sit on the sofa in the living room and Ian sits beside me.

"I want to get to know you" Ian says and looks at me curiously.

"What do you want to to know" I turn towards him and sit with my legs crossed.

"Well how old are you, what do you like and stuff" he shrugs.

"Fine, okay. I'm 17 and I like writing and photography and stuff." I say and Ian nods as he listens. "What about you?"

"I'm 19 and I like music" he says.

"What like listening or playing?"

"Both" he smiles. "I play the guitar and stuff"

"That's cool, I wanted to at some point too but... I didn't really get to"

"I can teach you, we are going to see each other pretty often" he smirks. I nod and walk towards the stairs.

"Goodnight" I say and walk into my room, I dont stay to hear his reply. I lay ontop of my bed and take my phone into my hands. I see a twitter notification from Matt.

: @TheMattEspinosa : #TipsWithMatt Don't go into the pool with your clothes. "

I laugh and decide to text him.

C : Are you asleep?

M : Yes, I'm sleep-typing.

C : Oh thats a cool super power.

M : I know right. I've got plenty up my sleeve.

C : I bet.

M : Who was that guy by the way?

C : Ian, my neighbour. 

M : Oh, alright.

C : Can't believe he thought you were a viner or whatever.

M : I know right... how weird.

C : Imagine you were a viner though... oh wait, you aren't funny enough!

M : That is a lie!

C : well I haven't heard any good jokes...

M : What did the traffic light say to the car?

C : I don't know, what?

M : Don't look, I'm changing.

C : I'll just add that to the list of bad jokes you will be making in the future.

M : i'll tell you a better one on our date.

C : Date sounds funny since we are only friends. People would think we are something more.

M : we will be something more.

C : Hmmm, nope. I've got my eye on Ian.

M : I'll take that as a really bad joke.

C : Fine.

M : Or I'll just take Lauren on a date.

C : Who is that?

M : my neighbour.

C : fine.

M : fine.

C : I'm going to sleep.

M : aren't you going to ask if Lauren is pretty?

C : Nope, Ian is pretty damn hot though.

M : Oh is that how you wanna play it?

C : Yes, it's on.

M : fine, you'll see tomorrow.

C : goodnight Espinosa.

M : goodnight beautiful.

I laugh at our texts and I lock my phone and put it on the side of my bed. I rest my head on my pillow and think about how my first date with Matt will go... I honestly don't see him as famous anymore. He is just Matthew. I'm already in love with him. Just thinking about the fact that he said we will be something more makes my tummy go all funny. He is so important to me, I want to be like that for him. With all these thoughts in my head I shut my eyes and slowly fall asleep, smiling.

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