part 5

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“You never asked where we were going” Matt says. It’s true, I really didn’t ask and I didn’t really care. I was just happy to be around him.

“Well, where are we going?” I ask.

“We’re actually kidnapping you” Cam points at me and I laugh along with the other boys. Cameron freakin’ Dallas, I remind myself. “JACK PASS THE ROPE AND DUCK TAPE” Cam shouts towards Jack G and he pretends to throw things at Cam and we all break into laughter again.

“I think I’m a bit too old to be kidnapped” I shake my head.

“How old are you?” Matt asks.

“16” I reply.

“Cool, I’m 17.” He nods. “Let me introduce you to the other guys” he sits in a comfortable position and points at each person. “Okay, that’s Cam, Jack G, he’s Aaron and that’s Mahogany” each one of them give me a smile and I nod even though I already know all of this information. “There’s a few more they aren’t coming with us” he shrugs.

“Okay, I’m sure I can remember all of you” I smile.

We drive for around half an hour and during the journey we play a few games and have a few laughs. It’s around 6pm when we arrive at our destination. Laser tag, my favourite. We get inside and put on all our equipment and get divided into two groups of 3. I’m with Jack G and Mahogany and the other group is Matt, Aaron and Cam.

“GAME ON” Aaron shouts and each group gets together to make a plan. My group walk to the left of the game area and Matt’s walk to the right and we crouch on the ground. When both groups are sorted a sound goes off to indicate the game has begun and the score boards are 0-0. Mahogany and Jack g walk their separate ways and I start slowly walking forward and I spot Aaron a meter away from me and I quickly aim and shoot at his vest and I see the score board light up ’10-0’ and I smirk.

“Fuck!” Aaron giggles and finds a hiding spot. In the far corner I see someone’s gun aim at me.

“Oh crap” I whisper and I quickly start walking backwards but I feel hands touch my waist and it sends a tingling sensation through my body.

“Careful” Matt whispers into my ear from behind and I feel his breath on my skin and it makes me stumble.

“Thanks” I straighten myself up and smile.

“Don’t thank me” he smirks and aims his gun at my vest and takes two shots and runs away. I look at the score board and its ‘10-20’. I laugh at how sneaky he is and I take cover behind a wall. Half an hour later the scores are ‘360-340’ and the sound goes off again to indicate the end of the game. We all crowd around the score board and my teams cheer and Mahogany and Jack run to me and we have a group hug.

“How does it feel to be a loser guys?!” Mahogany laughs while talking to the other team but they just roll their eyes and we all go back to the equipment room and take our equipment off. We go into another room where you can eat and we all order food. We all order pizza and chips and settle down on a table. Jack sits next to me and on the other side of me is Mahogany. Opposite me is Matt and next to him sits Aaron and Cam. We all chat about the game and me and Matt exchange glances a few times but I wish I could stare at him forever. Once all our food is finished we get back into the car.

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