part 27

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"Wake up!"


I jump and wake up to Ian's voice calling my name multiple times. His palm is on my forehead and I'm breathing fast. I open my eyes and look up at him and he's looking down at me, scared.

"Are you okay?!" he asks and helps me sit up. "I think so... what happened?" I ask and wipe my face.

"You had a nightmare" he sighs and sits back.

"Oh" I take a deep breath. "Thanks for waking me up" I say.

"it's okay. We're going to get home soon" he says. I nod in response and look at the mirror above my head and wipe my face again. I have no make up on anymore... I look pretty rough. I take out my phone and see that I have thousands of notifications. I sigh as I open the app. I read the tweets :

"Apparently Celine wasn't at the last show"

"Why was Matt so upset tonight? It broke my heart"

"What's wrong with matt?"

"OMG did Celine and Matt break up?"

I quit the app again, I guess Matt hasn't spoken publicly about our break up. I check my texts but Matt hasn't replied to my message either so I just throw my phone in my bag and look at the road.

"He must be crazy" Ian shakes his head.

"Who?" I look at him, confused.

"Matt" he shrugs.

"Why?" I sigh.

"For breaking up with you" he shakes his head and continues to stare at the road. I don't respond, I don't want to question him anymore. I just take the compliment and try to force a smile but it doesn't work. Hours later we arrive at Ian's front door and I wait in the car while he unlocks his front door and takes my suitcase in. I don't want Beatrice to see me. Ian opens my door and I quickly get out and jog into his house. He locks the car and follows me inside.

"Do you need anything?" he asks while taking his jacket off and hanging it by the door.

"No thanks" I smile and sit on his couch. He turns the TV on and I stare at it but don't really concentrate at what's going on. I feel empty.

"I'm going to get some things, I'll be back soon" he says and smiles at me. I nod and watch him leave.

I sit on the sofa and sigh... how did this happen. Whenever I have something I want it gets ruined. But this time it was my fault. I pick up my phone and unlock it, since matt isnt answering I decide to call Aaron.

C : hello?

A : hey, you okay?

C : uh yeah, you?

A : yeah. What's up?

C : I um... I need to...

A : Matt?

C : Yeah, I just... he didn't answer my texts and I just need to know how he is.

A : He's alright, he's been better but nothing to worry about.

C : That's good.

A : I'll try and persuade him to call you.

C : really? thank you

A : it's okay. See ya.

C : bye.

I end the call and hold my phone to my chest. The thought of speaking to Matt gives me butterflies in my tummy but my heart aches too. What will I say to him? After lying how can I even speak to him?

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