part 2

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“IM HOME NATHAN” I shout as I enter our front door after shopping. I place my shopping near the stairs and throw myself into the kitchen. Nathan is my brother, he is 25 years old and I’ve lived with him since he turned 18 and was old enough to buy a house and take care of me instead of leaving me with my foster parents. My biological parents passed away when I was 10 which is 6 years ago. I don’t really want to talk about that though. Anyway, Nathan is the best big brother anyone could ever wish for.

“Hey, did you have fun?” he asks as he walks down the stairs with his fiancé. 

“Yeah thanks, it was the best day ever actually” I smile at myself again and out my phone on my chest.

“Creepy…” Nathan laughs and puts his jacket on.

“Me and Nathan are going out darling, I cooked and left you food in the microwave” Olivia, my brothers fiancé smiles at me and gets her bag.

“Thank you” i smile at her. I love her so much. She’s been the only girl I approve of for my brother to date and I couldn’t be happier that they’re getting married. They both say bye and leave me home alone and I switch one of the music channels on. I unlock my phone and click on Matt, I want to text him but I don’t know what. If I say ‘hi’ is it too blunt? If I say ‘hello’ is it too formal? Questions run through my mind as I debate on what to text. I feel so nervous. After all, this is THE matt Espinosa and I, just a fan (that he doesn’t know about) have his number… my heart races again and I quickly type “HeyJ” OH MY GOD I JUST TEXT HIM OH MY GOD WAS THAT THE RIGHT THING TO TEXT?! I sit up and lock my phone and put it beside me. I put my head in my hands.

“I met him and now…texting him?” I say to myself. I couldn’t imagine this happening in a 1000 years. I love him. I want to talk to him all day about his life, his inspirations and his interests. I want to cuddle him and smell him and just be with him. I know I’m thinking too far ahead and unrealistically. He probably doesn’t even remember me. He was just being nice, I’m nothing special to him. He is just going buy me a shirt and it’s going to end. I’m never going to see him again. I push these thought away from my mind and walk to the kitchen and heat up the pasta Olivia left for me and sit on a stool in the kitchen and play with my food. I watch my phone but there are no messages. Then I remember, he is still at MAGCON, maybe he isn’t ignoring me? I scroll through twitter and see a load of fan tweets and meet and greet pictures with Matt and I feel stupid. There are thousands of girls, and I’m only one.

I finish my pasta and go into my room. I put my phone on loud just in case Matt replies even though I check my phone every five minutes anyway. MAGCON should be over by now! It’s been hours. I lay on my bed and begin reading Divergent but I can’t concentrate. All that’s running through my mind is Matt. I begin to get nervous again so I put by book away. I want to text Lucy and tell her but I realise if I tell her she will go and tell everyone so instead I put my headphones on and listen to Oblivion by Bastille and shut my eyes. Just as the song is ending, my phone goes off and I jump. Is this Matt?! I unlock my phone and read.

 Nathan: Hey C, me and Olivia are staying out tonight. Lock all the doors and take care.

Celine: Okay, see ya.

I lay back down in my bed in disappointment. Fuck. I thought it was matt. I shut my eyes again but this time I fall asleep. I wake up at 4am to my phone going off again and I groan and reach my hand to grab it. It reads

Matthew:Who is this?

Fuck, I forgot to tell him who I am! I quickly sit up and rub my eyes and text a reply.

Celine: The girl you spilt your Starbucks on today haha!

I lock my phone but he texts back straight away.

Matthew: Oh, right. Celine? I’ll save your number now.

Celine: Oh you remembered, thanks.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! He remembers me?!

Matthew: of course! It’s not every day you spill your drink on someone J    

Celine: hmm well maybe you’re clumsy, I don’t know.

Matthew: some say that I am.

Celine: so what about that shirt of mine?

Matthew: well, I’m here for another week as a holiday with my friends so maybe I could meet you somewhere and give it? I could post it if you’re busy though.

Celine: Oh, that would be great actually. When can we meet?

Matthew: Monday at the mall?

Celine: sure.

Matthew: see you then J

I’M. MEETING. MATT. PROPERLY. ON. MONDAY. I sit up in bed and think about what I’ll wear or how I’d do my hair. Shall I wear make up? I only usually wear mascara. It’s around 5am now and I’m still up thinking about all of this. I know I’m only going to see him for a few minutes but still, I want to look nice at least. But how am I going to ask for a picture?! He thinks I don’t even know him… I will sound like an absolute creep. At least I’m seeing him I remind myself and lay on my bed again. I’m seeing Matthew Espinosa. Again.


A/N : i'm probably going to update everyday ! follow me on twitter @/espinosaddl i follow back :)

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