Chapter 1: Bathroom Freak Out

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Chloe POV

How did this happen? No wait. I know how it happened but why did it happen?
Here I am sitting on the edge of the tub in the bathroom we all share staring at the small white stick. Two pink lines clearly visible. This was the sixth one I took. No way was this possible.

I mean I'm on birth control and we always use spelled protection. Courtesy of Tori and Simon.

This cannot be happening... but it was. I've been trying to convince myself that I was having a nightmare for the last 20 minutes. Yes, I've been sitting in a bathroom for 20 minutes. Derek will be home soon and I'll have to tell him. Wait, tell him? Tell him what? How was I going to tell him!

- Day Dream –

"Welcome home honey! How was your day?" I smile as Derek, dressed in a business suit, walks in and puts his suit case down on the table. He kisses my cheek.
"I cleaned up your study for you and dinner is almost finished. I made your favorite." I giggled, wiping my hands on the apron I was wearing. "Oh and I'm pregnant! You're going to be a father!"

- End Of Dream –

I shivered. What the heck was that? Something from a 1950s show?
Well that's just fan-flipping-tastic. I have to think of something else.
"Chloe? Are you upstairs?" Derek yells from the stairs. Crap. I didn't even hear him close the front door. He's so quiet it's scary, and he wonders why I'm so skittish.
"U-um, I-I'll be dow-own in a-a minute." I take a deep breath. Please don't come up here, please. Not yet. Think Chloe! Distract him! Relax and speak normal...

"Can you take down some plates from the cupboard? Dinner is already done, if you want to start serving?" I called back.
Uh, yeah. Sure." He replies. I sigh in relief. I look down at the tests on the bathroom counter. I have to hide them, but where? I scoop them up and stuff them in my black make-up case. I store the case on one of the shelves. The guys would never look in my make-up bag. Tori would but I can deal with Tori. Smiling to myself as congratulations on finding a good hiding spot, I headed downstairs to the kitchen.

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