Chapter 5: Please Understand...

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"What did you just say?" Aunt Lauren asked.

Tori sat on the couch. Legs crossed. Smirking.
She was trying not to rub it in everyone's face that she found out first.

Simon was dumb struck. He was a permanent statue, sitting on the arm of the couch next to his father. Mr. Bae was calm. Staring into the eyes of his adopted son.

"U-um... I...I'm-." "-What's today's date? Is it April Fool's Day?" Aunt Lauren pulled out her day planner and checked her calendar.

She thought we were playing a prank on her.

"Were not joking. Were serious." Derek tried to get Aunt Lauren to believe us.

"Aunt Lauren. I really am-."
"Don't say it! Do not... say it." She spoke through clenched teeth.

She took a deep breath. "Please tell me you're joking. Please say this is all a big joke. A set up."

Derek and I looked at each other. This was not going well.

"I wish I could tell you this is a prank. Really. But there are no hidden cameras... and there isn't some douche bag guy watching us from a van that's tricked out with spy equipment that looks like he robbed NASA." That's my man. Taking charge.

"Derek. Are you absolutely positive?" Mr. Bae said, speaking up for the first time.

"He's not... but she is." Tori giggled at her joke. Everyone rolled their eyes.

Derek nodded. "I can tell. If I pay close enough attention... I can smell the difference."

Huh. That's interesting. Mr. Bae sighed. "Alright, well. Even though I don't think it's safe for Chloe to go out in public. We'll have to schedule an appointment at the abortion clinic-" "NO!" I screamed. Mr. Bae blinked at me. I grabbed Derek's hand and he squeezed it gently. Mr. Bae looked confused.

"We have decided to keep the baby." Derek explained.
"WHAT?" Aunt Lauren shrieked. "YOUR WAY TO DAMN YOUNG! DON'T BE STUPID! YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY-." Simon cut her off. I was surprised.

"Don't yell at them! They made a mistake, they know that. But isn't it better that they told us? Would it have been better if they ran away together? Never to see them again?"

Aunt Lauren paled and Simon continued. "No, it wouldn't. Their owning up to their mistake. Their taking responsibility. What's done is done. We can't turn back... We should support their decision and help them."
Wow... that was deep. I looked around and even Tori wasn't smiling. She looked thoughtful.
"Your right, son." Mr. Bae stood up and hugged me and then Derek.
"I will support your decision. If you need anything, anything at all. Let me know right away."

We both nodded. Mr. Bae walked out of the room. Simon jumped up and smiled at us.
"I'm going to be an uncle!" He grinned and gave Derek a high five. Ugh, boys.

Tori stood up with more grace then the queen of England.

"I'm going to be the best aunt any child has ever seen. I can teach her the rules of fashion!" She said in a rich girl accent.
"What makes you think it will be a girl?" Simon asked. Oh, no. Here we go.

Tori glared at him. "I just know."

Simon matched her glare. "I'm going to teach HIM basketball!"
They some how dragged their fight upstairs. I could still hear Tori's voice.
Derek rolled his eyes and I laughed. I wonder how long this argument will last.

"Ahem" I turned at saw that Aunt Lauren was standing up with her arms across her chest.

"I am very disappointed in you two. But as Simon had said, we can't undo your mistake." She uncrossed her arms and walked towards the stairs. She turned around.
"But I too, will support you. Don't ever feel like your alone, Chloe. I'm always here for you. Don't ever feel scared to talk to me. If you have any questions, you can certainly ask me. I am your aunt as well as a doctor." She said and headed upstairs. Probably to tell Simon and Tori to shut up.

Derek leaned down and kissed me. "Now that, that's over. Do you want to go for a walk with me out back?" He asked. Of course I did, so I nodded eagerly.

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