Chapter 4: They're Just Words!

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My eyes blink open and my X-Men, The Beast, clock reads 8:59 am.

I roll over and push my face into my pillow. I don't want to get up. The alarm on my clock goes off, signaling that it's 9:00am. Ugh. I sit up and brush my hair from my face. My blonde hair is tangled from sleeping. I get out of bed and walk over to my dresser. I pull out a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt that says "I'm In Your Kitchen... Stealing Your Ramen". Simon got it for me for my birthday.

~20 Minutes Later~

After my shower, I get dressed and head downstairs for breakfast. Of course Derek's already there, eating a bowl of cereal. MY cereal. MY Cocoa Puffs. Oh hell no.

"What are you doing?" I ask, sweetly. Derek looks up from the bowl and sighs.

"I know what your gonna say. But were out of Frosted Flakes." He points his spoon towards an empty "family" sized box of Frosted Flakes.

"You ate all of that?" We'd just bought it 3 days ago.

"I had SOME of it. There was like a quarter of cereal left yesterday, I swear." He says, pouring another bowl. "HEY!" I yelled, snatching the box away. Greedy werewolf.

"Simon wouldn't have eaten it, cause he's got his Special K. The adults wouldn't dare eat your cereal. So that leaves..."
"Tori!" Derek yells.

"What?" Tori comes strolling into the kitchen. Tori stops and looks confused. I bet we both look pretty mad. Then she glances at the empty box. "Oh... Um... Hey, I think I hear my cell phone ringing!" Tori takes off.

"OH HELL NO!" Derek growls and takes off after her.
Well, it's her own fault. I pour the last of my Cocoa Puffs. Sigh. Guess I'll have to let Aunt Lauren know she needs to go grocery shopping... again.

After breakfast, I go into the living room to find Simon watching anime on t.v.

I sit on the fluffy chair. I call it "The Fluffy Chair" because it's soft and fluffy and just plain awesome! I focus on the t.v. The characters are obviously from a teenage romance anime. The characters are wearing high school uniforms and are confessing their love to each other. While blushing the whole time. Simon is entranced, his eyes glued to the screen.

The show ends and the credits and theme song start up. It's in Japanese? Does Simon even understand the lyrics-

My eyes feel as though they will pop out of my head. Oh... my... god.
I stand up and slowly back out of the room. That was so weird. BUMP.

I bump into someone. "Oops! Sorry!... Oh hi, Mr. Bae."

"Chloe... something wrong? You look as though something just creeped you out. Did you see a ghost?" He asked.
"Um... no. Your son singing." I say pointing towards the living room. Mr. Bae glanced towards the living room.
"Oh... wow." He started shaking his head. "I think you should get out of here before he starts dancing." He laughed. I nodded and quickly walked up stairs.

I drift into the library. Well I wouldn't actually call it a library. It's really just a small room with a desk, some old chairs, and a bunch of old dusty books. There's no librarian or "Check Out" system.
I drop myself into a chair and open up a book about Necromancers. Mr. Bae gave it to me for Christmas.
The book wasn't helpful at all. It just told me stuff I already discovered.

My eyes scan the contents page. Necromancer Pregnancy.... Pg. 151

Wait, what? I flip to the page.
Necromancers are always surrounded by death. The trauma makes reproducing almost impossible. This doesn't mean it never happens. If you're trying to conceive, see page 160...
I'm already pregnant! Stupid book!
... Necromancer's experience similar symptoms of pregnancy as of the average human.
There are a few differences such as you may find blood in your vomit or urine. (This is normal!)
Necromancer infants are usually smaller than the average human baby. This depends on the father. Necromancers usually reproduce with human males. In this case, the baby will have a strong chance of inheriting the Necromancer gift. If the father is not human, the baby will most likely take after the father. This is not always the case. For example: You reproduce with a water demon. The baby will have a 50-50 chance on either receiving the father's gift or the mother's gift.
It is nearly impossible for two Necromancers to conceive a child.

(A/N I made this shit up. I'm in a Parenting class and I basically stole some of this shit from the text book and messed around with it to make it more for how I thought Necromancer Pregnancy's would work.)

Wait a second. Derek's a werewolf. Could the "creature" inside me... be a werewolf too?
Slowly, I place my left hand on my still flat stomach and place the book on the side table.

Ugh! This is so messed up! I'm so confused! Okay. Okay. Calm down, Chloe. Just think for a second.
I'm pregnant, don't know how far along, but still pregnant. Tori knows. My child could be a werewolf or a necromancer... which would suck for them. Ugh, and I still need to tell Derek! Does Derek even want a baby?

"Um, hey." I jump at the sound of the familiar voice. I drop my hand into my lap.

Crossing my legs, "Oh, uh, h-hey." I stutter.
Derek limps into the room and sits down in the chair across from me.
"Derek? Is there something wrong with your legs.. or your knees...?" I ask.
"Huh? Does it look dumb? I saw it on MTV. It's called "Swag". I wanted to try it."
Derek says, shrugging. I'm gonna either have to block MTV or hit Derek with a crow bar every time he says, "What up my home dogs."

"Okay. Um. Derek there's something I have to talk to you about." I start. This is a good time to tell him. Were alone and I probably won't get another moment like this.

"Okay. I'm all ears." He says. Okay, take a deep breath.
"Um... have you ever wanted to... um... start a family of your own?" I ask.

I know, I'm a cowered. Sigh.

"Huh? Well... uh... I don't know... why? Have you?" He asked.
Crap! How am I suppose to respond to that?
"Well. Um. No, not really... u-um... but..." Common! Just tell him!
"But what?" He asks.
"Do you want too?" I drop my eyes to look at my jean clad legs.
"Do I what? Oh... Wow... I don't even know... that's a..." I can feel him staring at me.
"-U-um... I-I... mmm." Why can't I say it? I want to say it. What's going on?

I can feel the tears falling down my cheeks.
"Derek!" I cry. What am I doing?

Suddenly, I feel Derek's strong arms around me. Holding me.
"It's okay. Don't be afraid." He whispers.
"B-but. I-I..." I whimper into his sweater.
"Sssssh. Just take a deep breath. Just say what you need to say. They're just words. Easy. Simple. Words." He says. He's right. Words! Just words! It's easy!
"I'M PREGNANT!" I scream. More tears fall and his arms tighten.

"I know." He whispers. Wait, what? Did he just say he knows?

"What?" I stand up and stare at him. Tears still staining my cheeks. He sighs.
"I was looking for the safety scissors the other day. Remember how I couldn't open those cookies? Well, I thought you had put them in your makeup bag... again. And... um... I found..." Derek looked away. He found my tests. Dang it! Why is everyone finding them! I thought it was a good hiding spot.

"Oh... but how'd you know they were mine? They could have been Tori's. She could have hidden them." I crossed my arms over my chest.

Derek raised an eyebrow, and looked at me like I was forgetting something.
"Chloe. I know your scent. Your urine was all over them." He explained.
Oh... my... god. That's embarrassing. I blushed.
"Oh. Um. Yeah... um, so why didn't you say anything to me?"
He frowns. "I wanted you to tell me. I wanted to see how long you'd wait... if you would trust me." He says. My mouth drops open.
"Of course I trust you! But... I was scared." I look away.

"I know this is scary for you... and me. As much as I'd like to say 'This is great!'... It'd be a lie. Were still kids..." He wraps his arms around my waist.

"But whatever you decide to do... I'm going to be here. I'm going to support you on any decision you make." He kissed my forehead.

"I-I want to keep it. I know it's selfish but, I want it. Please... please let me keep it." I start crying again. I never realized it until I said it out loud. I really did want this baby.
Derek held me until my tears stop. "Okay." He whispered. Then he kissed me.

After a while, we broke apart. "So when are we telling the adults?" He asked.
I bite my bottom lip. Telling Aunt Lauren is gonna suck... big time.

Derek looks towards the door and listens. Then he grabs my hand and leads me towards the door.
"Everyone's in the living room. Let's get it over with." He says.
I've never been more scared in my life. Crazy scientists could come busting through the window and that'd be less scary then telling my Aunt that her teenage niece... is pregnant.

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