Chapter 14: Golf Cart Chaos

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"You have to be kidding me." I glared at my reflection in the full body mirror.
"Your boobs look great." Tori smirked. I turned from the mirror to glare at her. She was sitting on my bed, legs crisscrossed like a kindergartener.
"Oh. Yeah... You might need a new swimsuit. If you bend over, your new goodies will fall out." She nodded.
"I don't have time to go buy a new swimsuit! Were leaving today!" I practically shouted.

Mr. Bae organized a trip to a water park. The water park was connected to a camping ground, and it was only opened to "special people"... Yup, you guessed it. A water park for supernaturals.
So, here I am. At just over 4 months pregnant, standing in my red string bikini.
Thanks to the babies inside me, my boobs could no longer fit into my bikini top.
"If I had another swimsuit, I'd let you barrow it. But I only have my one black bikini." Tori held her hands up in an apologetic gesture.
I sighed, "I need a swimsuit."
"Well then, it's a good thing I bought this." Derek said from the doorway.

I jumped and Derek held up the shopping bag, a smirk glued to his face.
I stared at it, "You didn't."
"When dad said we were going on a trip, I started making a list in my head of things we'll need to pack. This came to mind." He said.
"You are the best boyfriend ever!" I ran to him and hugged him. I took the bag from him and pulled out a bright blue bikini, the bottoms were shorts.
I reached up and pulled his face down to my level, then kissed his cheek.
"Ewwww!" Tori complained.
"You've seen worst." I rolled my eyes.
"I know. I'm just preparing you for how your kids will react to Mommy and Daddy's 'lovely dovey' moments." She grinned.
She sighed and stood up, "Well, I better go pack my stuff."

After she left, Simon decided to make an appearance. Wearing only his swim trunks, he swaggered into the room.
Derek raised and eyebrow, "Uhm... bro? What are you doing?"
"Well... YOLO!" He said. I felt my eyebrow twitch. Simon grinned and then ran from the room.
"SAY YOLO ONE MORE TIME! I DARE YA!" Derek yelled after him.
Down the hall I could hear a faint, "He's gonna kill you." Tori. Then, "... Yolo." Simon.
"DAMN IT, SIMON!" Derek basically flew from the room after his brother.


We were sitting in the van, heading to the water park. Simon was singing in the back seat and Tori, who was sitting next to him, was trying to ignore him.
"69-" Simon let out a small chuckle, "bottles of beer on the wall! 69 bottles of beer-"
"Real mature." Tori rolled her eyes.
"Can you PLEASE stop with the singing? You're giving me a headache." Aunt Lauren sighed from the passenger seat.

We were almost at the water park, probably only another hour, but I suddenly had the urge to pee. I bit my lip, trying to hold it in. I didn't want to make Mr. Bae pull over just because of me. I shifted slightly in my seat, squeezing my thighs together.
"What's wrong?" Derek whispered into my ear.
"I... have to pee." I whispered back.
Derek reached forward and tapped his dad's shoulder and whispered in his ear. His dad nodded.
"I need to put some more gas in the van so I'm gonna pull into the next gas station up ahead. I think you should all use this chance to buy snacks or use the washroom." Mr. Bae announced.
I looked over at Derek and mouthed, "Thanks." He smiled and nodded.
As soon as the van stopped, I threw the door open, jumped out, and ran to the bathroom.
After I finished my lady business, I walked back out to the van. Someone had bought snacks, and we all started munching on them as we drove to the water park.

When we got to the park, I saw some black guy riding around on a golf cart.
"Holy crap! So cool! I want one!" Tori gasped. She flagged the guy down and he pulled over to us.
"Hey, where do you rent these things?" She asked.
"I'm a seasonal camper, I bring my own golf carts every weekend. I have two." He said.
"You should lend me your other one." Tori said.
The guy laughed, "You're funny. Is this your guys' first time here?" He asked, "How about I give you guys a tour of the park, yes? Climb on."
I looked at Derek, and he looked at his dad.
"Everyone here is like us, and there all fine people. Go ahead." He nodded.
A second golf cart pulled up along side the black guy's. A beautiful white woman was driving it.
"Sweet heart? Are you picking up strangers again?" She laughed, "Sorry about my husband, he loves meeting new people."
"Darling, its their first time here." He explained to his wife.
"Oh! In that case, we must give you a tour!" She honked the cart's little horn, "Hop on!"
Derek and I climbed onto the woman's golf cart. I sat beside her and he sat on the back. Simon and Tori went with the black guy.

The cart started, this was my first time on a golf cart and it startled me a little bit. It drove pretty fast and very smooth.
"Over there," The woman pointed, "that fountain lights up at night. It's so pretty! Oh, and over there, that's our camp site. My son is hanging out with some other kids."
A little black boy waved at us, "Hi mommy!"
She waved back, "Love you, dear!"
"He's so cute." I giggled at the boy. He was waving his arm over his head like crazy.
"Sometimes hes cute." She rolled her eyes.
I looked down at my stomach, "I can't wait untill my babies are born."
"Oh! You're with child? Congrats!" The woman said smiling, "They will be your pride and joy... even if they get on your nerves sometimes."
We continued our tour untill I spotted the water park.
"Oh! Your parents are already there!" She pointed to Mr. Bae and Aunt Lauren, standing next to the van parked in the water park parking lot.

All of a sudden the other golf cart pulled up to us. But the guy wasn't driving. Simon was.
"Wanna race?!" Simon asked, grinning. Tori and the black guy were sitting on the back of the cart with blue flags.
Derek bit his lip, thinking it over.
The woman grinned, and pulled two red flags from her purse on the floor of the cart.
"Who wants to be the driver?" She asked us. I pointed to Derek, I would probably crash the cart.
I got onto the back on the cart with the woman and took a flag from her.
"Be careful." The woman advised, "It takes a bit to get used to it."
Derek nodded, "Hang on tightly." We did.
"GO!" The woman yelled. The race began.

Derek wasn't used to the cart like Simon, so it took him a second to figure out how to make it go.
Then we were off. Racing down the paths.
I was gripping onto the bar next to me so tightly that my hand was starting to sweat.
My hand slipped and I fell forward, falling off the cart. As soon as I hit the pavement, pain exploded on my right side.
A few seconds later I heard running foot steps and Derek calling my name. My side... it hurt so much. I couldn't focus on anything except for the pain.
Then I blacked out.

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