Chapter 16: THE END!

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*~Big Time Laps! Weeeee~*

POV Tori

We were all in the living room, eating breakfast when it happened. We were watching a program about aliens and how the pyramids
proved they were real. Chloe had to pee for like the millionth time since the program started so she was upstairs again.
Derek was up there too helping her with her pants. Shes almost ready to pop those babies out so Derek was basically following
her around like a puppy.
A pounding on the floor above us and Derek's voice scared the hell out of us.

"Dad! Lauren! Chloe's leaking!" He yelled.
Aunt Lauren jumped up and ran upstairs.
"Leaking?" I questioned.
Mr. Bae was heading to the stairs, "Her water broke."
"Oh my gosh!" I ran after Mr. Bae.

*~A few hours later~*

What if something goes wrong?! Lauren is the only medical professional we have on hand, what if she cant do it?!
All I can hear is Chloe in the bedroom screaming, and cursing that wolf's name.
I look over at Simon and he mirrors my worries.
Chloe has been in labour for hours, how much longer will we have to wait for the verdict?!


Mr. Bae comes out holding a small light blue bundle. It was making little whimpering sounds.
"Simon, Tori... meet your nephew," Mr Bae moved aside the blanket a bit so we could see his face, "Cilan Cameron Souza".
He had a black tuff of hair and when he opened his eyes, they were a brilliant blue.
He looked over at me and giggled. That was it, the moment I started crying.
Simon and I took turns holding him while Mr. Bae went back into the room.

At about 1:35pm, Mr. Bae ushers us into the room where Chloe was holding another small bundle, this one was light pink.
Derek was leaning over them both, I dont think I've ever seen him so happy.
Babies, they have the real magic in their hands.
Simon handed Cilan to Derek while I was looking into the emerald eyes of my niece. Skylar Elizabeth Souza.
She had Chloe's blonde hair but I could already tell that she'd take after her father.
She never made a peep, she smiled once at her parents but didnt cry or anything.
Cilan on the other hand, wouldn't shut up. He cried and giggled and fused.

Cilan and Skylar, the newest additions to the family.

*~Another Big Time Laps! Weeeee into the future we go!~*

POV Chloe

It's been 3 years since I gave birth to my twins.
Derek may not be the perfect dad, but he sure tries his best. It's still really cute watching him chase after them.
Sky is so much like Derek, its not even funny. Shes so smart, she learned to walk and talk full sentances early,
but she's also stubborn.

Cilan takes more after me, he has alot of trouble putting sentances together still, and he inherited my stutter.
I've been teaching him to slow down when he talks because he tries to talk too fast.
Simon has been teaching him how to play basketball, and it's so cute watching Cilan shooting the little orange ball into his
little basketball net.

"Mommy! mommy! Look! Look!" Cilan shouted at me, we were playing hide-and-seek around the treehouse.
"Sweetie, you're suppose to wait for me to come find you." I turn around to him and freeze.
Behind me was Derek, kneeling down and holding a ring up to me.
"I go find Skya!" Cilan ran off to the house.
"Derek, what are you doing?" I ask.
"Chloe, marry me." He says, then adds, "Uh, I mean, please?" No fancy speech, cuts right to it.
"D-Derek, I-I thought w-we discused this. W-we wanted to save up-" He cuts me off.
"I know I said I wanted to wait... To save up." He says, "But that was just to throw u off the subject so I
could surpirse you."

I can't believe this. Hes actually proposing to me. What should I say?! Oh my god, hes waiting for an answer!
Say something! Say something kind!
"Thanks..." I say. Oh my god, you suck. "I-I mean-yes!" I correct. Nice save.
Derek grins, and slips the ring onto my ring finger. He stands and kisses me, and doesn't stop.
"Ahem, so whos gonna be your maid of honor?" We jump and see Tori standing only a few feet away with Skylar and Cilan.
"How'd you-" Derek begins.
"Mommy and Daddy are married!" Cilan says.
"Going to be, Cilan. Mommy and Daddy are going to be married." Skylar corrects Cilan.
I roll my eyes and give Derek 'the look'. He grins.

"Skya is brat!" Cilan sticks his tongue out at her, "Skya is mean!"
Skylar frowns and her eyes become glassy, "I'm not."
"Skya! Big meanie!" Cilan shouts at her. Skylar's lips begin to tremble.
"Oh no." Derek whispers.
"Skya! Brat! Brat Brat!" Cilan chants. The tears fall, Skylar turns and takes off. Derek takes off after her.
"Cilan!" I yell.
Cilan gasps, "Mommy! I'm sorry! Sorry mommy!" Cilan runs to me, crying.
"Cilan, please stop. Mommy isn't mad. But you know that was not nice at all."
"I know, I'm sorry mommy. I go say sorry." Cilan cries.
I nod, "I know you were just worked up. It's alright. Let's go find your sister and you dad."

I grab Cilan's little hand and we find Derek and Skylar inside, in the kitchen.
They were drinking milk and Skylar was still wiping away tears.
Skylar glared at Cilan when we came in.
"Skya, I'm sorry." Cilan goes up to Skylar and hugs her.
"Me too." Skylar hugs back. I smile and walk over to Derek. We embrace and watch our babies kiss and make up.
"Now, we can't have any fighting during the wedding, okay guys? Or else you won't be able to be in the party." I say.
"Party! Party!" Cilan chants.
"Okay, mommy!" Skylar agrees. Derek hugs me close and the twins run over and hug our knees.

I may not have the perfect life in some people's eyes. But in mine, it's pretty awesome.

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