Chapter 9: Morning Sickness & Yoga

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So Aunt Lauren called me downstairs to give me some kind of prenadle vitamins. Yup, thats right. Killing the mood just to give me meds.
I so wanted to send zombies after her in her sleep, but Tori talked me out of it saying I'd regret it later.
It was late, so I took the pills with some water and headed up to bed. Simon stayed up a bit longer with Derek, getting him ready for some job interview for tomorrow.
As soon as my head hit my pillow I was out like a light. All I remember was crawling into bed and then the beeping sound from my alarm clock.

Hitting Beasts' blue head, it stopped. I layed in bed for a few minutes untill I felt a sharp cramping pain in my stomach. Then it started to rise to my throat and I knew I was going to be sick. I threw the covers off myself and ran to my door. Pulling my door open and sprinting to the bathroom as fast as I could.
I pushed the bathroom door open with a loud bang, not even bothering to shut the door behind me.
I fell over the toilet and vomitted up my insides. Made it just in time. I hated throwing up but on the bright side atleast I wouldn't have to clean it off the hallway floor.
I kept my hair out of the way with one hand and gripped the side of the toilet with the other.
Out of nowhere, something moved the hand that was holding back my hair and lifted my hair up off my neck, making it easier to lean forward without hair droping into the puke full toilet. I moved my now free hand to grip the other side of the toilet.
Something, another strong hand, started rubbing my back up and down.

It had to be Derek. Derek's large hands. Derek was holding up my hair, rubbing my back, and listening to me throw up.
I wanted to hide from embarassment, but I couldn't move. I was still hacking up my guts.
So attractive. God, this really sucked.
After a few minutes I was resting my forehead on the toilet seat, trying to steady my breathing. I sat there for another minute untill I was sure nothing more would come up. Then I sat back, trying to get away from the desgusting smell of vomit. Derek let go of my hair and leaned over to flush the toilet.
"Want some water?" He asked, I nodded. He got up and filled a paper cup up with water from the sink and handed it to me.
After I downed the cup and gasped for air, I could feel my throat burning.
"Better?" He moved to help me stand. I nodded again.
"My throat..." I rasped.
"Want some chicken broth?"
"Y-yeah..." I felt weak from all the puking and Derek became my crutch as we walked downstairs.

I sat at the kitchen table, "S-sorry..."
Derek turned from the stove, "Don't even go there."
"B-but... I w-woke you up-"
"How many times have I woken you up from Changing?" He asked, raising a dark eyebrow.
I shrugged, "... Alot."
He nodded, "When I was first changing... what did I do?"
"Exactly. So don't even worry about, just sit there and look cute." He smirked and went back to making the chicken broth.
Just then I felt another cramping pain in my lower stomach and moaned.
"Chloe?" Derek asked. I couldn't respond, only moan.
"Do you have to throw up again?"
I shook my head, no. Ugh, these cramps were killing me.
"Here." Derek handed me some Tylonal Extra Strength and a glass of water. "Take this and wait for it to kick in."
I nodded and took it, "How-?"
"Lauren gave me this... it helps when Changing." He shrugged.
"Oh... T-thanks."
"If you feel any pain or are uncomfortable... I want you to tell me." He said a bit shyly.
I couldn't help but smile, "Okay."
"Ahem, well, broth is done." He turned and began to ladel the broth into a bowl. He sat the bowl infront of me.

It was a liquidy yellow colour. Almost clear. Steam came from it and it smelt like chicken.
I sipped a few spoon fulls and soon my throat didn't hurt anymore.
Derek was sitting across the table from me eating a banana. Actually, his third banana. Two peels laying on the table infront of him.
I shook my head and smiled. Same old Derek.
"What? What are you smiling about?" Derek asked, clearly he can't read minds.
"I can't smile?"
"No, but... nevermind." He shrugged and dropped it.
"Don't you have a interview today?" I asked.
He nodded, "Yeah, at noon."
I looked towards the clock on the microwave. It was 8:00am.
"Ah, do you think you'll be alright?" His face full of concern.
I nodded, "I'll be fine! I'm going to a yoga class with Tori today."
Derek blinked a few times," ... Yoga?"
"Mhmm! A yoga class for pregnant women, it looks fun!" I grinned. The ad had a handfull of happy soon-to-be mommies on it.
"Your... gonna do yoga?"
"Hey, its a yoga class designed for expecting mothers, so its not bad and you can't say squat about it!"
"No, thats not it... You. Doing yoga..." Derek shook his head.
"Hey, what? What?" What the hell?
Then Derek looked at me and smirked, "Will you being wearing spandex?"
Yes, he just said that. That pervy little-,"M-maybe..." I blushed.
"Hmm... When you get home. Don't change your clothes." He continued to smirk, his eyes burning with hunger.
I swear I've never blushed so hard. "D-Derek! Jeez, your so..." I shook my head, trying to get rid of my blush.
"I'm so what?" He raised an eyebrow. My head shake wasn't working.
Derek stood and walked around the table. He bent infront of me and kissed me hard.
I didn't hesitate, blush or no blush, I was always open to a Derek kiss. I kissed him back, matching his lust. He growled under my lips.
Then he suddenly pulled away and leaned to whisper in my ear, "Later."
Then he brought his thumb up to my mouth, my lips were swollen from our kiss but that wasn't why Derek touched my mouth. He moved back his thumb. It was wet. That's when I realized I had drooled.
He brought his thumb up to hs mouth and licked it. My eyes widdened in shock.
He winked, "I got to go get ready, see you after your yoga class." With that he left the room.

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