Chapter 11: Time For Maternity Clothes

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Today was a special day. It was Simon's birthday! I bought him a shirt that said "Kiss Me! I'm An Artist!", under the text it had little picture of a paint brush.
Tori bought him black high heels, and then pulled a "Oops, you don't want those? Damn. Guess I'll have to take 'em."
Derek gave Simon a DVD and then whispered something in Simon's ear, which made him blush. Derek won't tell us whats on that DVD but I kind of already know.
Aunt Lauren and Mr. Bae gave him a card that said "I'd have gotten you a better gift... but then I took an arrow to the knee." with $50 inside.
Mr. Bae was gonna be taking us out for dinner to celebrate this special occasion.

"Please! Please! Please wear it!" Aunt Lauren begged, holding out a pink plastic tiara that said 'Happy Birthday' on it.
"Noway!" Simon rejected it, ducking away as Aunt Lauren tried to put it on his head.
"I was gonna get you something that said 'Birthday Boy' on it, but this was the only thing they had!" She continued chasing him around.
"Why won't you wear it, SIMONE?" Tori giggled.
"Oh common! Seriously?" Simon stopped moving and glared at her.
Aunt Lauren stuck it on his head and then pulled out a tube of glue, "Now. Don't make me have to glue it to your head"

"You wouldn't." He eyed her.
"I'm a doctor. I could always sergically remove it later." She smirked, jokingly.
"Aw man." He sighed. Tori laughed and commented on how pretty he looked. Derek pointed out that atleast there wasn't a matching wand.

Later on, I was in my bedroom looking for something nice to wear to dinner.
I settled on a white lace top with a white tank top to go underneath and a pair of dark blue jeans.
My make-up was in the bathroom so I traveled down the hall to get changed in the bathroom.
I did my make-up lightly, only using natural colours. Then I stripped off my pj shorts and sweatshirt and started dressing.
I slipped the tank top over my head and pulled it down over my stomach. I was now 3 and 3/4 months along in my pregnancy.
My stomach was already starting to show but I didn't want to admit it. As soon as Tori made the comment that I was starting to show, I began to wear sweatshirts to hide my bump. I didn't want to wear the maternity clothes she bought me because then that would mean I couldn't fit in my normal clothes.
Which wasn't true, I got the shirt on with no problem. The only problem was the jeans. I couldn't seem to button them up.

"Common, common! Do up!" I begged the little button, "Please, do up!"
I struggled, and still no luck. I sat down on the edge of the tub and swung one of my legs over. Then I leaned back and tried to force my button close.
"Damn it!" I hissed. I finally gave up, and decided to take them off. Only they wouldn't come off. They were stuck.
I'd have to cut them off, and my only scissors were in my bedroom. I reached for the bathroom door handle when someone knocked on the door.
"Chloe?" Derek called. Oh, crap!
"A-ah, yeah! I-I'm just doing m-my hair!" I lied.
"Just put it in a pony tail." He said.
"S-sure!" I quickly agreed, praying that he'd leave so I could run and get those scissors.
"Hurry up! I wanna walk down with you." On any other day, that would have been the sweetest thing to hear. But not today. I wanted him to leave so I could hurry and get these jeans off. But he wasn't leaving. He was waiting.
I didn't want Derek to find out, it was just too embarassing. I was litterally trapped in these jeans. There was no choice, I'd have to make my pants button up.
I layed down on the ground and struggled with them.

Knock, knock. "Chloe? what are you doing in there? putting a spray tan on?"
"No I'm-" I fought with the button, "trying to-" thud "fix my lipgloss!" I sat up rubbing my head, I had banged my head against the tub.
"What was that noise?" He asked.
"A-ah... I-I dropped... my hairbrush." I was such a terrible liar. I rubbed my head, ouch..
I sighed and sat up. This is impossible, I'm never gonna get them to do up. 

Knock, knock, "Chloe? Do you need any help?"
"With what? my make-up? Derek, I don't think thats your Forté" I laughed.
"No, I mean with your jeans." He stated.
"W-what? What a-are y-you talking ab-bout?" How'd he know? How does he always know?
"I'm talking about the jeans you've been fighing with for the passed 15 minutes." He sighed, "I'm comming in."
I quickly stood up and pulled my shirt down to cover my zipper. The door opened to reveal Derek, wearing black jeans and a loose green t-shirt.
"I'm ready." I smiled. He raised and eyebrow and looked me over.
"Oh, really?" He gave me a look that said he didn't believe me. Then, so fast that I didn't have time to move away, he knelt and raised my shirt.

I blushed. How embarassing, he knew all along and he still let me struggle.
"Let me see if I can get them done up." He gave me a small smile.
He pulled on both sides of the zipper, I stumbled and almost fell but Derek caught my hips and kept me upright.
He tried to pull the zipper up but the zipper was like 'Haha, sorry pal. Nope'. Then tried the button and the button was like 'Bitch please.'
Derek chuckled and looked up at me, "I think it's time for some bigger pants, hun."
"Yeah." I mumbled and look away. These were my biggest jeans, and I can't even fit in them anymore. I can't get them off either. How embarassing.
Derek stood up and wraped his arms around me, "It was going to happen sooner or later." I only nodded.

Derek stepped away and took my hand in his. He led me back to my bedroom and opened my closet. I sat on my bed.
He grabbed out one of the maternity dresses that Tori bought me, it was light pink with a lacey neck line and the strapes crossed in the back.
He laid the dress on the bed and then helped me out of my jeans. We eventually got them off without having to cut them off with the scissors.
I put the dress on and looked in the mirror. "I look fat." I said, simply.
"No you don't." Derek disagreed. I knew he was only saying that to make me feel better.
"Yes. I Do. I'm fat." I scowled at him.
"Alright. Fine. Your fat". He shrugged.
"Jerk!" I yelled and pushed him, unsuccessfully, away and stormed around him.
He caught my arm, "I was kidding! You look fine!" He pulled me infront of the mirror again, "Look. Your pregnancy glow makes you look so sexy."
"Ha! Whatever!" I rolled my eyes.
"No, seriously... It's actually..." He started.
"What? 'It's acutally' what?" I asked.
"It's actually..." He leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Making me really hard."
I blushed, "Oh."
"Now," He kissed me on my forehead, "I think it's time we head downstairs. Dad is pacing, and getting impatient."

We went downstairs and as soon as Tori saw me she ran to my side and grinned, "Thats one of the dresses I bought for you! Do you like it? How does it feel?"
"Calm down. Yes, it's very comfortable." I replied.
"Alright, alright. Lets go or we'll miss our reservation." Mr. Bae cut in and opened the front door.
Derek leaned over and whispered, "I have something to show you later."
Then he took my hand and we walked out to the car together.

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