Chapter 3: Welcome To The World Of Sex

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As I lay in bed, I stare up at the ceiling. Tori's words playing over and over in my head like a broken record.

~4 Hours Ago~
"I could ask you the same thing." Tori held out the stick so I could see.

My heart stopped. Tori had one of my tests.

"W-what are y-you t-talking about-""Save it! You know what this is, because it's yours! it was in your make-up bag! Imagine my surprise when I come home and want to use your cherry lip gloss, and find six of these," She waved the test in the air as if it didn't have my urine all over it, " and a bottle of chunky mascara-you should really throw that away, you can't use it." Tori put a hand on her hip, giving me the 'I know everything' look.

When the world's against you and there's no way to escape... lie you butt off!

"H-how can it be mine? I-I'm not allowed to leave this house to even go get the mail, incase someone recognizes me...u-uh I-It could be Aunt Lauren's." I could write a 'How To Lie For Dummies' book.

"Oh really? So Lauren's got a boyfriend? Who is he? Is he hot? Does he have money?" Tori began questioning me. Oh crap.

"U-uh w-well. I-I don't know. I-I'm not sure if s-she has one or not. It might not even be hers. I-It could be someone else's." I said, trying to cover up the lie.

"Who? There are only three girls in this house, Lauren, you, and me. Unless Simon is secretly trans. This isn't mine, because I'd remember getting myself knocked up." Tori finished.

Well, it's not like she can prove anything-"Plus, I can use my magic to sense if someone's pregnant." She wiggled her fingers.

Seriously! You got to be kidding me! Well, it looks like I'm out of options.

"W-well... u-um. I-I". Breath, Chloe, breath. "Yes, it's mine. Happy now!"

"Yes. Yes I am! Oh, this is rich! Little innocent Chloe isn't so innocent anymore now is she! Haha, this is priceless!" Tori broke into a giggling fit.

"T-Tori! Please don't tell anyone! Please! I still need to tell Der". Tori cut me off.

"-Derek doesn't know?" She demanded. I shook my head.

"Please, Tori keep this a secret! I just need some time, please!" I begged.

"Oh, calm down Chloe. I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm actually delighted that I'm the first to know. I am the first to know, right?" Tori raised one of her perfect eyebrows.

I nodded. Tori sat down on my bed and smiled. She lifted her arms as if she were a goddess. "Well then, welcome to the world of sex, Chloe."

~Back to the present: 10:00pm~

What am I going to do? I won't be able to hide it much longer. Derek will be able to hear a second heartbeat inside of me soon, and he's not dumb. He'll know. I'll have to tell him tomorrow.

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