Chapter 2: I Want To Be An X Man!

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As I headed towards the kitchen, I took note that Simon and Tori weren't back from the library yet. I know what you're thinking. 'Oh my god! Tori? At the library? Your joking right?'. Nope, I'm not. Simon convinced Tori to go with him to check out some "tips on how to draw manga" books. Of course Tori doesn't care about any of that, but apparently there's a "super hot" librarian assistant in his early 20s that knows a thing or two about hard drives. Aunt Lauren was working at the local clinic and Mr. Bae was out doing god knows what. I didn't want to ask him about his personal life. No matter how much I wanted to ask Derek what his father did when he went out, I decided against it.

(A/N Does anyone know what Kit does for a living?)

I went into the living room and rolled my eyes as I saw the DVDs still out on the coffee table. Simon and I were watching the new movies Aunt Lauren got for me and he promised he'd put them away.

That boy, how could he forget? They're out were in the open. A blind person can see them.

Shaking my head, I pick them up and walk over to the movie shelf. Aunt Lauren had organized the shelf in alphabetical order so I spent an extra few minutes singing the ABC song in my head and trying to shove one of the DVDs in a tight spot.

I started for the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen I saw that two plates had been taken down and set next to the pot of pasta I made. I also saw that Derek wasn't there. Praying he wasn't standing behind me, I slowly turned around. No sign of the tall brooding werewolf. Where did he go? That's when I saw a package of cookies on the counter that had teeth marks bitten into the plastic. They were the kind that kids always have a hard time opening without being caught by their parents.

Because you know as soon as you even pick up those cookies the sound of the crackling plastic is going to alert the whole house, and your mom is going to be right behind telling you 'don't even think about it'.

"Der-" "Yeah?" Derek walked into the kitchen holding a pair of scissors.

"Why do you have scissors?" I asked, eyeing the kinder garden safety scissors. The adults, specifically Aunt Lauren, won't let us use sharp scissors. Mr. Bae tried to reason with her but she's sticking with her 'someone could poke their eye out' argument.

"Those cookies are Derek proof." He explained while holding up the small pink scissors.
I bit my lip trying not my laugh. Derek glared at the cookies and I could tell he wanted to go World War Werewolf on them.

I picked up the cookies and tore open the top, then handed them to Derek. He stared at me, open mouthed.

"How did you-really? That's not even fair!" Derek whined. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I had to lean against the counter so I wouldn't fall over from laughing.

"What's so funny?" I jumped and turned towards the door. Mr. Bae was leaning against the door, watching my laughing fit. I wasn't laughing anymore, that's for sure. I put my right hand to my chest, trying to slow down my racing heart.

Derek looked unsurprised. He even rolled his eyes, that jerk. I glared at him as if I could shoot lasers out of my eyes.

"Hey, dad." Derek said, smirking at me. Being Cyclopes from X Men would be pretty good at times like these.

Mr. Bae started to smile at his son but as soon as he saw me, he wiped it clean off his face. I might not be able to shoot lasers from my eyes, but I can still call on the dead.

"U-hem. Well, I'm going to go finish something in my room. If you guys need anything, don't be afraid to come knock on my door." With that he turned and headed for the stair case. Smart man.

I turned back to Derek. Come on lasers! Go! Shoot! Slice him in two!

"What? Don't look at me like that! I didn't do anything wrong!" Derek's eyes widened in innocence. Slowly turning into puppy dog eyes. I hate it when he does that.

Shooting my invisible lasers at him once more, "Whatever." I walk out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room. Sitting on my bed was Tori.

"Oh, your back already? Did you have fun?" I asked. Knowing Tori, shes probably got that librarian assistant wraped around her pinky.

She stood up slowly and pulled out a small white stick from behind her back.

"I could ask you the same thing." Tori held out the stick so I could see.

My heart stopped. Tori had one of my tests.

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