Chapter Eight

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Tipping Point

Yuki raced in between the two men. "Stop! I will not have this!"

"Yuki..." Kaname said in a threating tone. Yuki snapped her head to his attention.

"Your rounds are done! You are breaking rules by staying out here. Go back to your dorm Day Class student!" Yuki stood with rage.

"Youre kidding!" Kaname replied with a scoff.

"You heard her!" Zero yelled.

"You are done as well!" Yuki pointed at Zero. "Go back to your dorms now before you both receive punishment!" Zero and Kaname both stare at Yuki. "NOW!"

Kaname capped his sword and started walking away mumbling. Zero still stayed staring at Yuki with surprise at her anger toward him. "Yuki... I didn't mean to- "

"Go back to your dorm Mr. Kriyu. Your guardian training is done for the day. Don't make me say it again with my weapon."

Zero scoffed and turned away. Yuki bowed her head and sighed.


Yuki made it back to her dorm with relieved exhaustion. She opened her door to find Yori, sound asleep, next to a pile of finished assignments. She smiled and brought the blanket up to Yori's shoulders. Yuki took to her bed after changing into her pajamas.


Yuki felt wind blowing threw her long dark brown hair. The cherry blossoms tickling her face as they passed through the air. And seeing the lights of police cars flashing against her childhood home. Seeing her mother and father being carried out by gurneys and having a white sheet over them.

Her brothers arms around her as he picked her up to put her in the head masters car. And the drowned out voice of Kaien Cross as she stared out the window. Suddenly the 5 year old Yuki screamed in pain. A stabbing pain seized in her stomach. She grabbed at the wet part in her dress. Her sudden small hand was her 16 year old one, covered in blood. She saw a large hand through her middle and it crush her insides as it ripped away. She turned to see the same face that killed her parents. The two different colored eyes with the same pricing glow.


Yuki gasped awake.

"Apologies. I thought you'd be asleep before I was done."

Yukis wide eyes stared at the woman with long, dark, tangled hair and glowing crimson eyes. She tried to move but quickly noticed the stabbing pain in her stomach. The lady swiftly walked over, pleading Yuki to stay down with her hands up to the old rotted table Yuki was lain across. "What is- "

"Oh please don't move." The woman took the tube that Yukis blood was slowly dripping out of into empty water bottles. "I don't want to waste any."

"How... How am I here?" Yuki squinted at the small light coming from the flashlight left on the table placed in front of the door. As if it were going to block anyone coming into the abandoned building.

"Oh. I slipped something in your drink at lunch. You had kissed the pure blood and fell unconscious. My was that embarrassing for you..." Yuki couldn't help but blush at this news... The thought that instead of Kaname and Zero fighting she had fainted at the pure bloods kiss. "I waited till the silver haired pure blood left you in the infirmary and took you then."

"Why me? Why choose to take a girl who is clearly cared for and people will notice if she is gone. Rather than take one of the others?"

The woman stopped fidgeting with the tubes and caressed Yukis cheek slowly. "Would you have preferred I had taken another rather than you?" The woman's eyes glistened with curiosity.

"W-what?! No! I was simply asking why you wouldnt pick the easier option. You clearly aren't Level E to an extent... You can think for yourself."

The woman breathed in and grabbed Yukis chin and ran her toung up Yukis neck. Yuki became disgusted. "Because my dear, vampire-loving-gaurdian, it's the thrill of the chase that keeps me from insanity like my fellow former humans." The woman shoved Yukis fave away and swayed herself to the broken window that stretched to the rotted ceiling. "As the two men that race to find their dear love..." The woman held her hands together to her face, mocking Yuki as she batted her eyes at the ceiling.

"One of them is my brother... That's gross."

"Love is love darling. Plus you never know these crazy people. And don't interrupt me child... As the last of your delicious blood leaves your body... The two men race to find you, in the hopes you're still alive." The woman spun around the cracked floor with dirt and leaves that had settled after being blown in throw the various holes in the abandoned room. She landed her spin to Yuki and ran her fingers through Yukis long hair. "What will it be? Hmm? Ms. Hunter? Will you bleed out and die? Or will your friends save you?"

"I have a third option."

"Well... " The woman ripped the needle and tape from Yuki and sucked the remaining blood from the tube. Yuki made an 'ah' sound from pain and grabbed her bleeding middle. The woman quickly started to pack the bottles of blood away. "I would love to hear it and see how this all plays out. But I can smell the human and the pure blood from here." The woman turned to leave.

"Wait!" Yelled Yuki, groggily.

The woman turned back to see Yuki stumbling around with a silver rod wobbling in the air. She smirked at her like an adult finding a child adorable. "Sweetheart. Lay down. Your heros will be here soon."

"I am... " Yuki rose her voice. "My own... HERO!" She swung her rod and it turned into a scythe. She stumbled back and slurred her words almost as if she was drunk. "Now put that bag down." Yuki pointed to the ground. "And face your consequences."

"Get a cookie and some rest kid." The lady turned again to leave when she heard stumbling, fast paced, footsteps head toward her and her bag being torn from her along with her back. Blood spilled and splattered everywhere as Yuki failed to keep her balance and the woman fell to her knees in electric agony.

"Kriyu!" A deep voice yelled out as Zero ran into the building, having just met Yukis blood splatter on his face and clothing.

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