Chapter Fifty-Five

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Masquerade Night

Yuki had spent the rest of the afternoon with Zero, just talking about the events that would take place that evening. Zero warned Yuki that everyone would have eyes on them, and they would all have opinions. And above all, she wasnt allowed to leave his side.

Zero and Ichiru waited in Zeros room, discussing the ball ahead. "Brother, it's not too late, you and Yuki can stay and I'll just- "
"I'm not leaving you to be hounded by them either."
"Please, I can take care of myself." Ichiru got up from the chair he was sitting in.
"I didnt say you couldnt I just me- "

There was a knock at the door and Ruka appeared in the door way. "Now when I say I did good..." She opened the door more. "...I did good."

Yuki entered the room in a black gown with small gold accents on the top. It was sleeveless and there was a black ribbon around her neck as well. She wore a headband and a Masquerade mask to match. Ichiru smiled down at his brother. "You're drooling..." Ichiru whispered.
"Shut up." Zero stood up and looked at Yuki.
"You look... good." He said.
"Alright, let's leave these two alone and finish getting ready!" Ichiru said, shooing Ruka, along with Akatsuki that was behind her, out of the room.


Yuki and Zero entered last, Ichiru next to them. Vampires sook took notice to the three of them. Yuki wrapped her arm around Zeros and tightened her hold. Even with the masks, they all knew who Zero and Ichiru were. A vampire sook approached them. "Lord Zero, Lord Ichiru... a pleasure..." He took off his mask revealing his old eyes. "...I presume this is the Lady Yuki weve all heard about..." Yuki made no response.
"Then I'm sure you're aware shes not used to things like this... so forgive her silence." Ichiru said. Another vampire appeared, this time an old woman. She took off her mask.
"Please, come into the light my lady, let us see your beauty."
"I've never seen a hunter turned vampire..." another said.
"I hope she doesn't think shes royalty just because shes gotten bit by our lord." One whispered.
"Of course a damn hunter gets pureblood blood instead of one of us..." another said.

"Lord Zero informed us of your existence, but weve never seen something like this happen... so call us curious."
Zero bent to her ear. "I told you before, it's okay if you're not comfortable talking to them." Yuki took in a deep breath, and took off her mask.
"I'm Yuki Kuran, my family is of a hunter lineage, yes... but I love Zero. And I hope you can accept me in your society as well."
The vampires fell silent and stared at her radiant smile.
"The purebloods are a precious treasure and were delighted that they can open their hearts to the human world..." A vampire bowed. "Lady Yuki."
"Lady Yuki." The vampires repeated and bowed. Zero looked down at Yuki with a fake smile that quickly faded. Her face was stern and her eyes were wide.
"Yes well..." Zero said. "...we have others we need to greet. Let's go." He lead her away and Ichiru followed. "You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's just... they're creepy..." Yuki put her mask back on. Zero chuckled.
"Heh, yeah. Old Aristocrats tend to give off that vibe."

Yuki and Zero made their way across the dance floor when they were met by another old Aristocrat. Yuki could feel Zeros immediate rage.
"Ah, Lord Zero and Ichiru. A pleasure." He bowed.
"You've thrown a lovely ball, Ichiou." Ichiru said.
"Thank you, My Lord. And may I say the young lady looks even more beautiful than the last time I saw her." Ichiou bowed toward the three.
"Thank you..." Yuki awkwardly smiled.
"Please, enjoy yourselves. You're welcome to anything here. Did my grandson come with you?" Ichiou turned his attention to Zero.
"He did. You should find him with our other classmates." Zero answered. Ichiou bowed and walked away. Zero looked over at Yuki and smiled.

"Zero! And Ichiru! How long has it been?" A young vampire woman with long, wavy, blonde hair approached them. She took off her blue mask. "I heard you took a human as your lover..." She got closer to Yuki as if she were examining her. "...But I didnt really believe it till I saw it." She looked back at Zero who was already becoming protective over Yuki. "But I guess that is something you would do."
"Sara." Zero acknowledged.
"And hows my favorite gay vampire?" Sara looked over at Ichiru.
"Favorite huh?" Ichiru chuckled.
"I promised Yuki I'd take her to see someone else, if you'll excuse me." Zero said. He took Yukis hand and calmly walked away.

Yuki turned around and turned back to Zero. "You didnt..." she whispered.
"I dont trust her, couldnt you smell it? That girl... smelled of freshly spilt blood." He whispered back.

"You were visiting your fiance Sara?" Ichiru asked. Sara turned her attention to him and cleared her throat.
"Yes." She put her mask back on. "Have you seen him around here, I have yet t- "
Ichiru stepped closer to her and whispered in her ear.
"You didnt expect me to believe that act just now did you? How unbecoming of you to ask me such a thing, when you still have that scent surrounding you." Ichiru passed her. "And you're seeping with that hunger for power. Honestly it's an ugly look on you." Ichiru walked away and noticed one of the hunters surveying the party walking quickly away. He looked over at Zero and saw one of the servants talking to him. Zero nodded and walked away with Yuki in the same direction of the hunter. Ichiru stepped forward to follow but was quickly intervened by a swarm of old vampires wanting to ask him questions.

"I have a question!" A hand rose from the crowd. It dispersed and revealed a dark haired man in a simple suit and a black mask. He wore a sword on his back. "Where can I find, Zero Kriyu and Yuki Kuran?"
"A hunter? What do you want with our lord?" A vampire asked.
"You're mistaken in your threatening tone." Ichiru walked over to the man. "This is that Ladys brother. Kaname Kuran."

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