Chapter Thirty-Six

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Red Snow

That day was probably the worst for Zero. Youd think that the day his parents were murdered infront of him would be it, but no. It was that day. Yuki was laid across a cold slab of stone, covered in her own blood, breath escaping her mouth as a last ditch effort to live. His eyes burned red at the sickly sweet scent. "Yuki! Answer me!" He would shout. She flopped in his hold, mindlessly smiling at him. The light that she once bore onto him was snuffed out. He could barely see its rays. He held her tightly and rested his head on her shoulder. Her heart beat was barely audible. "I'm sorry..." he said softly. Zero lightly moved her collar and placed his lips on the crook of her neck.


Kaname picked up a few more boxes of files that Kaien left him. He placed down the few files he found regarding the girl, Sara, and Asumi. Ther was few evidence of their existence to begin with. The night before they had found a file regarding the disappearance of Sara, from the Association, but it was another dead end. The front door swung open and Ichiru stepped through. "Finally you came back, I told you it was a waste of time. Now will you hel- " Kaname looked up at Ichiru, noticing his quicked breath and worried look. "What?" Kaname dropped the file in his hand.
"Zero left without me. I couldnt stop him..." Ichiru said. Kaname walked around the coffee table and over to Ichiru.
"What?" Kaname said more sternly.
"Weve been played for fools, Kuran." He handed Kaname the note. Kaname took it and read it hesitantly. "Zero went after him before I could get a word in... he told me to come and get you before following him."
"How long?" Kaname mumbled.
"What do you me- "
"How long has it been since he left?" Kaname crumpled the paper in his hand.
"Maybe... 10 minutes? We should tell the He- " Kaname passed Ichiru and grabbed his sword off the couch. "Where are you going?"
"After them, obviously."
"You dont even know where they are."
"I can read between the lines, Kriyu." Kaname said, looking back at Ichiru. "Its your family home. Come if you want I dont care." Kaname slammed the door.

Ichiru looked down at the pile of files and sighed. He left the note that Asumi made ontop of the box along with his own, explaining the situation to the Headmaster. He twisted into a black bird and flew out of the window. He landed next to Kaname. "You wont get to her on foot." He said.
"Your point?"
"Clench your teeth pretty boy." Ichiru raised his arm and birds shot out of his arm, circling Kaname. And the two dissapeared.


Zero clenched onto Yukis clothes. "Ze- " Yuki breathed out. She patted his back lightly. He looked over at her with wide eyes. "It- " she gasped. "..okay." She smiled at him and closed her eyes. Her arm flopped to her side and she became limp. Zeros body started to shake and tears weld in his eyes.
"No!" He yelled. He hurried to her neck and bit into it. He let go. "You'll be okay!" He said. He bent back down to her shoulder and bit into that as well. Zero sat back up and cupped her face. "Your brother will kill me... but you'll be alive!" He bit on the other side of her neck. "You can leave me all you want, just not now!" He bit into his wrist and took in his blood. He took the back of her head in his hand and kissed her, spilling his blood in her mouth. "Drink it!" He yelled. Zero hugged her tightly and picked her up. "You'll be fine." He said quietly to himself. "You'll be okay..." he repeated. He stood up and carried her limp body. He stepped over rubble and the ashes of the man who cursed her this fate. Zero once again walked through his childhood home with nothing but resentment and anger. He looked up at the doors to his fathers office as he approached the entrance. "Goodbye." He said quietly. Zero stepped out and looked up to the sky. It was snowing. Trickles of ice plopped on his face. He looked down and watched as Yukis complection changed to a more pale feature. His eyes narrowed and he continued walking.

"We should come around the back just incase!" Ichirus voice rung from around the corner. He stepped out and bumped into Zero. "Y- " He looked down at Yukis face and back at Zero who looked over his shoulder with blood stained eyes. "Wh- " He turned his body to Zero. "Kaname will be here any minute. He went to scope the area for gaurds." He said, calmly. "He wont be rational." Zero turned, ready to speed away. "Zero..." Ichiru said. "Tell me you had to."

"..." Zero turned back. "She was injured beyond repair... he- he had killed her." He looked down at Yuki.
"Go." Ichiru said. "Kuran is coming."
Zero hopped up to the roof and twisted into bats.

"Yo!" Kaname said as he ran toward Ichiru. "Were clear."
"Good." Ichiru walked into the house. "Looks like there was a fight..."
"Were too late?" Kaname stepped in, noticing the shambles of the doors and the slammed in walls. "I'm gonna check over here." Kaname ran into the dining room. Ichiru sighed and followed.
"I cant sense any presence. Zero must have left already." Ichiru put his hand on Kanames shoulder. He shoved him off.
"Still... it could be cloaked. We need to look."
'Hes desperate to be the hero.' Ichiru sighed and followed Kaname through the halls.

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