Chapter Twenty-One

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When The Snow
Sticks to The Ground

Yukis eyes fluttered open to an empty room with  paintings that replaced windows and chandeliers replacing sunlight. "So, what mess brought you to me this time?" Zeros voice asked. Yuki sat straight up and stared at Zero, who was sitting on a chair opposite the couch she had been laying on. His hand that has previously rested his head flopped to his lap.

    "Zero!" Was all she could muster. She grabbed onto her head. The room was spinning. "I... there was a little boy..." Yuki looked over at him, he was concentrated on her words. "...he lost his mom, and when he lead me to where he could last remember her, it was an abandoned mansion... he kissed my cheek to thank me... and I dont remember after that..."

Zero smirked. He walked over and sat next to her. "You always have such blind trust in anyone." He sighed. "That building is this place, it's only rotted on the outside, so that way humans dont go in. It's a place where vampires tend to gather for dances and such. And that child was probably a child of one of the guests."

    "Geez..." She sighed. "I'm such a dunce... Kaname wont be happy when hears about this..." She looked over at Zero, he was fixated on her. To Yuki, it almost looked like he was leaning closer.

"Your heart is honest... its beating fast." Her eyes widened.
The door creaked open to reveal Takuma. "Lord K- " He blinked at Yuki. "You're awake!" He smiled.
    "Um ye- "
    "Is there a problem Takuma?" Zero asked.
    "Lord Ichiru is waiting for you to start the party." He answered.
    "I'll be with him in a moment." Takuma bowed and exited. Zero stood up. "I'll only be gone for a moment. Dont leave this room, if the guests were to find out theres a human here, itd be dangerous." Yuki grabbed his coat.
    "Dont get Kaname." Yuki begged. "Hes surveying the dance right?" Zero nodded. "Please just call The Headmaster..." she mumbled. Zero placed his hand over hers.
    "If that's what you wish." Zero said. "I'll call for your father then."


Yuki looked up at the ceiling and saw the elaborate detail. She left her mouth parted in amazement. The door creaked open to reveal the small child she had helped get here. "Oh hello!" She said.

    "I'm sorry about earlier, Miss Human..." he spoke low.

    "Oh it's okay! So you're a vampire, right? Did you find your- " The child quickly left. "Hey wait!" She walked over to the door and cracked it open. She snuck out to the blinding light at the end of the hallway and the sound of people. She peaked over the edge of the balcony and saw a room full of well dressed people. No. Vampires.
'So many vampires...' she thought. 'Actors, singers... even the president of a soft wear company...' she looked around and spotted her own brother watching around the floor. She ducked. "Crap" she whispered. She peaked over and watched two vampires descend the large stair case at the head of the room. It was Zero and Ichiru. Chatter stopped and suddenly vampires bowed at their presence.

Kaname stood in the back, glaring at the two. "Our apologies. We didnt mean to disturb the celebration." Ichiru smiled lightly.

    "Forgive my forward question..." one called out.
    "But?" Zero spent no time in formalities.
    "... is it true that the Pureblood Shizuka Hiou was killed by your hand?" The vampire practically shook at his own question. But he was the brave soul that asked what everyone wanted to.

    "Yes." Ichiru opened his mouth but quickly turned to his brother. "Shizuka Hiou died at my hand. She posed a threat to my brother and my classmates of Cross Academy. In my own haste decision I did what was necessary." Zero explained quite calm. Ichiru stared at him. He looked at him and looked back at the vampire.

    "So you... protected a human?" He asked.

    "Essentially, yes." Zero, again, answered as if nothing were of it.

Vampires began chattering. "The Kriyus are brilliant." One said.

   "If he can side with the humans, maybe so can we." Another started.

    "Lord Zero." Dono Hanabusa approached Zero, along with Aidou, and his sister. "Thank you for taking care of my son." He bowed to both Zero and Ichiru. "Thank you for the invitation."

    "I'm not really comfortable at soirees, so it seems like I hardly attend them..." Zero stated.

    "Dont worry about it, My Lord." He extended his hand to his daughter. She stepped forward.

    "F-father!" Aidou spoke.

    "I have a favor of you, this is my daughter Tsukkio. It would be in favor of our whole clan of you took a liking to her."

    "Father please! Lord Kriyu, I'm so sor- "

Zero gave a faint smile to Tsukkio. "I dont know of the future, but I'll certainly keep her in mind."

Dono bowed. "Lord Kriyu, consider my daughter too!" One vampire called out.

    "This is my daughter, Lord Ichiru!"

Soon vampires, and there daughters surrounded the two. Yukis head bowed down into her arms. She walked back to the room. And slammed the door, her back smacked against the door. 'Why... why did I ever think I could walk the same path as him...' she thought. She walked out to the balcony and waited for her fathers car to enter the scene. Her head was still pounding from falling to the ground, she felt heavy.

    "Yuki." She turned around to see Zero standing at the entrance. His voice made it clear he was annoyed.

    "I'm sorry..." She didnt even bother trying to lie. "...The child came in and he dissapeared, I only wanted to make sure he was okay."

Zero sighed. "Yknow. Theres a reason I asked you to stay. They're already spearding a rumor that theres a human here." Zero walked over to her. "Vultures." He murmured.

    "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have come out. I dont belong here..." Yuki looked away from him. He was surprised at her sudden sorrowful look.

    "What do you mean?" Zero tilted his head toward her.

    "I- " Her lips pursed. "I dont belong in your world..." she stepped forward and her knees buckled under her. She fell forward and her mind grew dizzy.

  "Whoa." Zero grabbed her under her arms. "Are you alright?!" Zero looked down at her long hair that dangled off her bowed head. Suddenly, heard sniffles from her. "Yuki?"
    "I'm sorry..." Her hand grasped onto his upper sleeve. His hand patted her back. "...I've been nothing but trouble to you..."

Zero face relaxed. "Far from it." He said. She looked up at him. "The whole time I've been here, all I could think about was you. I'd much rather spend time alone up here with you than down there." Yukis eyes widened but were quick to look away from his.

She stood up. "I should probably go..."
    "Is it what I said?" Zero asked, he stood upright. Before Yuki could answer, he grabbed her hand and swifted her closer. "I didnt just say that yknow. I mean it. You're the most important person to me."
    "Z- "
Zero pulled her into a hug. "I want you to be with me."

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