Chapter Fifty-Nine

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When The World Stops Turning

"Kaname!" He heard Yukis voice call out for him, it was strange because her voice sounded so small. "Kaname! Kaname wake up!" His eyes flung open and he saw Yukis face above him. It was of a younger face, maybe 3? 4? He sat up and rubbed his eyes.
    "Daddys coming home today! Mommy needs help in the kitchen!" She ran out of the room, telling her mother he was awake in an innocent yell.
    "Right... right.." He told himself. "Wait what?" Kaname jumped out of bed and rushed out of his room. He ran into the kitchen and saw the back of a woman with long, flowing, dark hair. She turned around and smiled at Kaname.
     "Well look who joined the living." She said. "Come and grab some eggs for me." She turned back to the stove. He could smell the cinnamon coming off the French toast. He ran over and hugged his mom from behind. "Oh! Kaname! You scared me..." Juri placed her hand on his head. "Are you alright?" Kaname wouldn't answer, his hold just got tighter. The stove clicked off. "Did you have a bad dream?" She asked. Juri lifted Kaname up and he hugged her around the neck. "It was just a dream, they cant hurt you."
     "Kaname? Did you have a scary dream?" Yuki came over and Kaname looked down at her. She stared up at him with a concerned face.
     "Yeah..." He said. Juri set him down and patted his head.
     "How 'bout you help me with breakfast? Would that make you feel better?" Juri smiled.
     "Yeah, sure." Kaname said.

"Hey!" A mans voice rang out from the front of the house followed by door closing.
     "Father!" Yuki yelled with joy as she raced out of the kitchen to go greet the man. Kaname turned around in anticipation for the sight of his father. The graceful, dark haired, man entered the kitchen smiling down at his daughter as he picked her up.
     "Breakfast smells wonderful!" Haruka walked over and kissed Juri. Kaname stared at his parents and Yuki as they both kissed Yuki on each side of her cheeks and smiled at one another. Thinking, if this is only a dream... he didnt want to wake up. "So, Kaname." He blinked and gave his father attention.
     "What?" He asked.
     "Have you decided yet?" Haruka set Yuki down.
     "I'm sorry, I dont- "
     "If you're going to stay, sweetheart?" Juri answered.
     "Stay? I dont understand?" Kaname said.
     "You're dying big brother." Yuki appeared and  hugged his legs. "Remember?"

A sudden pain was felt in his chest. He looked down and blood spread through his shirt. He picked up his shirt and looked down at a 17 year olds body. He looked in the reflection of the toaster behind him, he was back in his right body. "What's going on?" Kaname stumbled back until the counter caught him. 
      "You thought this was a dream?" Haruka asked. Kaname just stared at him. "Think of this as... purgatory."
      "I can decide? I thought you just die?" Kaname asked.
       "No son." Haruka came up to Kaname and put his hand on Kanames shoulder. "Theres currently vampire venom in your system, this is where you're supposed to choose whether you come back as a vampire, or die a human."


Yuki stormed out of the infirmary with Zero following her. "Yuki!"
Zero sped infront of her. "Just listen!" Yuki sighed and looked away. "You heard what the doctors said, it stabbed his heart... Yuki..."
    "Hell never forgive me, hell spend his life hating himself..."
    "At least hell have one to hate!" Zero snapped. Yuki looked over at him.
    "Why do you care so much? You two are always at each others throats."
    "I cant say I like the guy, but I dont want him to die, especially if it means you'll be hurt." He sighed and placed his hands on her arms. "What ever choice you make, I'll be here for you. I just dont want you to get hurt." Zero hugged her and kissed the top of his head. The door to the infirmary swung open and Ichiru stepped out in a huff.
    "What's wrong?" Zero asked. Yuki turned around.
    "He, um... I didnt know what to do... he started to seize so I- "

Yuki ran past them both and to Kanames bed. She grabbed onto his arm and noticed a wet spot. Her heart stopped, if it could, and lifted her hand from his wrist. Two puncture holes were visible and slowly closing.

    "What did you do?" Zero asked, he walked in along with Ichiru.
    "His heart stopped, and his body was... I've never seen a human like that... I just wanted to help, Yuki I'm so sorry."
    "Shut up..." she mumbled.
    "What?" Ichiru asked.
Yuki suddenly sped toward him and they crashed to the floor. She layed a punch across his face. Zero grabbed her under the arms. "You had no right!" She cried. "Hes not like me! Hell kill himself over this!"
    "Would you rather he died?!" Ichiru yelled back.
    "Why do people keep asking me that?!"

They all looked over at Kaname. Zero let go of Yuki and she raced to his side. "Kaname! Can you speak?"
    "Did.. did you tell them to..." Kaname coughed.
    "Tell them to what?"
    "Tur- " He coughed again. "Turn me..."
    "No... but you were dying, he saw it as a last resort. I'm so sorry. But you need to dri- "
    "No." Kaname said. "Yuki..." He touched her face. "I cant live as a vampire."
    "What? What are you saying to me right now?" Yuki grabbed his hand.
    "Father, he told me that I can stay with him and mother."
    "It was a dream Kaname, I'm sorry but- "
    "You can choose." Zero said. "Um, when humans are turned, you can choose to drink blood in the first 24 hours... or you'll die." He cleared his throat. Yuki looked back at Kaname.
     "I'll force you! You cant die!" 
     "Yuki... I was going to anyway, at least I can say goodbye this way."
     "No!" Yuki bit into her wrist.
     "Kriyu..." Kaname warned. Zero grabbed Yuki and hugged her, trapping her arms.
     "You said it yourself, he doesnt want to live like this." Zero said. "I respect your choice, but I'll never forgive you for choosing to put this sorrow in Yukis heart."
     "I'm fine with that." Kaname lightly chuckled.
     "If only I wasnt born..." Yuki grabbed onto Zeros arms. "...then you wouldn't have done this to save me."
     "Dont say that. You act as if I've never recieved happiness... Yuki, sometimes you were the only thing that kept me going. And I'm sure Kriyu could relate." Kaname patted Yukis head. "You are such a bright person, you bring light into every room and dont ever think you dont. This is my decision, I dont want to live as a vampire. No offense, but I couldnt stand the thought of being like that. I cant live off of blood. I'm sorry."
     "There ca- " Yuki lost her breath. "...there cant be a world where I cant hear your voice anymore."
     "Do you know what you gave me when you were born?" Kaname asked. "When I saw your tiny face, I thought I'll protect you till the very end. And that's exactly what I did. And in that time of darkness when I- when we lost our parents, your light was the only thing I could cling to. And I guess I got jealous because I had to share it, because you wanted to help a young boy who was hurt."
     "Kaname..." Yuki cried.
     "You've protected me for so long. It was my turn." Kaname said.
     "You dont get to do that!" Yuki struggled against Zeros hold and stood. "You dont get to play hero and then leave me! I need you!" Zero stood and put his hand on her shoulder.
     "You have Zero, and Kaien. And I'll always be with you." Kaname said. Yuki hugged him.
     "You cant leave me!"
     "I'll never leave you..." Kaname looked over at Zero. "I've always been squinting my eyes at the radiance that is you two. I want... I want you two to be together."

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