Chapter Fifty

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Yuki sighed and opened the door to Zeros dorm room. She guessed it was theirs, but it felt weird saying that it was both of theirs, considering a lot of it belonged to Zero anyway. She looked around and saw the room was left untouched. She looked into the hall and noticed Ichirus light was still on. Yuki walked over and peeked inside. She saw Zero sitting on a chair, with his head propped up and his eyes closed. Ichiru was still unconscious and in his own bed.

She had never seen Ichirus room before, it was a lot more decorated than Zeros. Zero was very minimalist compared to his other half. She noticed that both brothers faces seemed to be healed and Ichirus arm had returned to him. She looked down and remembered Sayori sleeping on another bed in the infirmary. She smiled and looked over at Ichiru, as if to say thank you. Yuki looked back at Zero, his eyes were closed but she could tell he was doing nothing but stressing. She had wondered if Ichiru had woken up at all yet. Zero needed to be with his brother right now, so she left the two with a silent door shut and walked down the hall.

Yuki gasped as she felt two arms wrap around her before she could reach Zeros dorm. "Are your friends okay?" Zeros voice asked. She grabbed onto his arms and sighed.
    "They're fine. I'm more worried about Ichiru than my friends." She replied. "Has he woken up at all?" Zero let her go and she turned to face him.
    "Not yet... hes mumbled every now and then so hes recovering, I guess."
    "I'm so sorry..." She bowed her head. "It seems that all I've brought to you is sorrow and worry."
Zero grabbed her chin and lifted her gaze to his.
    "Is that all you know how to do, apologize?" He asked. Yuki blinked at him. "You have such a kind heart, you cant even see that light you carry."
    "Wh- "
    "You need rest, let's go." Zero grabbed her hand and walked to his dorm.
    "What about Ichiru?"
    "Hell be awake by tomorrow. The sun is rising, let's rest." They entered in the room and Zero shut the door. He grabbed Yuki into an embrace. "I'm so tired." He said. Zero picked her up and set her on the bed. He lightly laid himself ontop of her and closed his eyes. "Let me stay like this, just for a moment..." Yuki smiled lightly and hugged him.


Later that morning, Yuki stared at a slumbering Zero. She analyzed his face, soaking in every detail. Like his unblemished face, and the silver hair that seemed to effortlessly fall in his face. She lightly placed her hand on his cheek. Yuki slowly sat up and looked down at her wrist. She bit into it and took her blood into her mouth. Yuki bent to his face and kissed him, spilling the blood into his mouth.
Zeros eyes flung open and he grabbed her wrist. She pulled up and met his sleepy, lavender, stare. "Why did you- " She took her thumb and wiped at the side of his mouth.
    "That was the only way I could get you to accept it." She said. "Last night, I saw you practically torn apart and I know you're starving from blood loss."
    "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm fine." Zero said. Yuki grumbled inaudible words and went away from Zero. She sat up and folded her arms.
    "Its like you dont even want my blood." She mumbled. Zero sat up as well and faced her.
    "Yuki, that is far from the truth." He looked down. "After turning you, I felt guilty for indulging in my desire for your blood..." He looked up to see her face brightened. "...I may have drank more than I needed to. I've carried that guilt for awhile now, so that's why- "
     "You constantly try to give me your blood?" Yuki finished his sentence. He nodded. His hand clasped the back of his neck.
     "I cant say I've never wanted your blood. But, I dont want to overwhelm you." Zero confessed.
     "Why do you feel you have to protect me?" Zero sighed. Yuki stared at him in wait for the answer.
      "Because I didnt. And now look at where we are, you shouldn't be arguing with me about blood. You should be in your dorm room with your bestfriend, laughing about some human crap. Not saving her from bombs." He sat up straight and leaned against the headboard. Yuki stared at him, letting him continue. He looked up at the ceiling. "I couldn't help it. You were always there. Watching over someone like me, I couldnt stay away..." He looked down at his hands. "You're sucb a radiant light, even as a vampire, you still see the world through this lens that I couldnt even comprehend..." He grabbed her hand and held it up to his face, looking down at it. "How many times has this hand saved me?" He pinched her cheek. "And that damned smile... and now I've gone and- "
   "Enough." Yuki said. "I wont have it. Not anymore. You keep acting as if you're some black hole that you sucked me into. I chose to care for you, I chose to stay by your side and I'm not leaving any time soon."
    "What did I do to deserve you?" He cupped her cheek and smiled. She blinked at its radiance. He leaned into her and hugged her. Yuki hugged back. She felt his head turn and his mouth grazed her neck. He got back up and looked her in the eye. "I wonder...Would you open your heart to me?"
    "W- what?" She asked.
    "You've felt it before, when you drank from me and felt my emotions." He explained. He smiled and looked down, he laughed as if there was some memory he was looking back on. "I never thought I'd be able to do something like this with someone." He looked back up and saw Yuki looked terrified and she blushed. "Oh no! Not that! I- " he sighed. "I meant, theres this way vampires show their love. I cant explain it in words..." Yuki looked at him skeptically. "Let me show you." He extended his neck, telling her to bite him. She stared up at him, his eyes were closed in preparation. Normally she would deny it and tell him he wouldnt need to 'prove' anything. But there was something about him in this moment, it was odd, he was almost giddy. Whatever this was, must have been something vampires thought important. She took no time in formalities and bit into his nape. Blood spilled into her mouth and she still didnt understand what he was trying to convey. Emotions he felt started to appear like last time, but that still didnt tell her what he was trying to say.

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