Van Ride

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Katie's POV: "Come on Ashton! We have to go! We're gonna be late!" I shouted up the stairs. "I'm going as fast as I can but I can't help it if my alarm doesn't go off!" Ashton explained as he rushed down the stairs. As he grabbed his jacket I ran and pulled him out the door. We jumped into the van to go to the airport. For this trip the boys are gonna be touring around the US. "Who did you guys chose to bring along?" I asked the boys. "I'm bringing my girlfriend, Kallie." Luke replied. I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window. "I'm bringing Joe." Michael said. "Cool. Who are you taking Calum?" I asked as he just looked down at the floor. "I couldn't decide who to bring so I didn't bring anyone along." Calum said sheepishly. Everyone just stares at Calum but he just ignored all of our stares. Everyone in the van looked wide awake but I was extremely tired so I plugged my headphones into my iPhone and laid my head in Ashton's lap. He just looks down at me and smiles. Slowly all of their voices fade into nothing...





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